Supplement recipe?

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I would like to start giving my chins supplement. Does anyone have a recipe I can use?

Thanks in advance.
Weight gain and/or treat. I read that some people give it every day or 2 -3 times a week. I don't want to buy from someone since I have a lot of chins. It would be easier and cheaper for me to make my own.
Ryersons sells 10lbs for 30.00 shipped, its a good tried and true supplement if you reconsider buying from someone.
Thanks for letting me know about Ryerson's supplement but with so many chins that will cost a lot of money.
I have almost 70 chins and use Ryerson's supplement, have used it for years. 10lbs lasts a long time, though I give it 3x's a week instead of every day. And it's not really that expensive if you consider buying 10lbs of any ingredient, say oats, is not much less.
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Keep in mind too, most people who make supplement sell it. They do that to make money. Very few people are going to be willing to give you a recipe for something they earn money from.

Just throwing that out there. :)
The grain portion is the cheap part of most good supplements. The vitamin and mineral portion is what drives the price.
I have over 100 and I get ryerson's suppliment. at like a tablespoon a day it lasts a long long time.
I feed them some a couple times a week when I am being good about it. year round used to once a day..right now it just isn't happening
Thanks everyone. I know that no one wants to give out recipes. I did have a recipe earlier this year and lost it.