No. Sunflower seeds should be avoided. There are alot of fats in seeds and nuts that chins arn't able to digest. Almonds should also be avoided for the same reason, same with peanuts, pecans, or whatever nuts/seeds you can think of.
For healthier treats, try
- rosehips (crushed or whole)....I feed whole ones to my chins once or twice a week. They love it! Many members on here sell rosehips crushed or whole.
- shredded wheaties...I personally don't feed these, but these are good treats to give too
- whole grain pasta... I only feed these once in a while, but they love these and make fun crunchy noises when they chew through it...Mine don't really eat it, per say, but more of chewing it up and leaving a little pile at their feet
- A small amount of lifeline... this is great for their health...good to keep them strong and get them better if they are sick. sells them.
- twigs and sticks!! ... this is the best! They love chewing through them, it's a great treat and does a great job of wearing down their teeth. Best of all it's cheap! Alot of members on here sell different types of twigs/sticks- mine love apple!
Hope this helps!!
Also, don't forget that Fresh Fruits and Veggies is a BIG NO-NO!