It's been a while since I've been here, and frankly, I didn't think I was going to get a chin. Well, I'm not. I'm rescuing TWO girls from Mt. Zion Chins.
I won't be picking them up for a few weeks yet, so I have time to think of names. I'm looking for more suggestions, since I'm not set on any of these.
If I stay with the alphabet (already have A B and C cats, though B has passed), I was thinking
Delia & Emma (just because; no meaning)
Danica & Erika or Erin (race car drivers - since chins are so speedy)
Then if I start at the end of the alphabet,
Zoe & ???? (can't think of a Y name I like - any suggestions?)
Or girl duos, like
Thelma & Louise (has already been used in the family)
Lucy & Ethel (eh)
Laverne & Shirley (eh)
Then there's going with Downton Abbey -
Violet (one of the chins is a violet) & Cora or
Countess and Lady?
Another duo I thought of that would have no meaning to anyone but family members - Agnes & Betty. (Sisters who are old friends of the family; Agnes will be 100 in November)
Or going with something else with no meaning, other than liking the names. All suggestions welcome! I'm sure there are many names I'm not thinking of.
I will probably keep a few choices open until I actually get them and see what I think fits them.
If I stay with the alphabet (already have A B and C cats, though B has passed), I was thinking
Delia & Emma (just because; no meaning)
Danica & Erika or Erin (race car drivers - since chins are so speedy)
Then if I start at the end of the alphabet,
Zoe & ???? (can't think of a Y name I like - any suggestions?)
Or girl duos, like
Thelma & Louise (has already been used in the family)
Lucy & Ethel (eh)
Laverne & Shirley (eh)
Then there's going with Downton Abbey -
Violet (one of the chins is a violet) & Cora or
Countess and Lady?
Another duo I thought of that would have no meaning to anyone but family members - Agnes & Betty. (Sisters who are old friends of the family; Agnes will be 100 in November)
Or going with something else with no meaning, other than liking the names. All suggestions welcome! I'm sure there are many names I'm not thinking of.
I will probably keep a few choices open until I actually get them and see what I think fits them.