Suggestions for a portable hay grinder?

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
My carpal tunnel has been acting up and chopping and cutting up hay for my CJ is starting to get a little painful. I don't want to use our blender for chopping up hay either. I would prefer something portable and easy to take apart and clean. I have the slap chop but it doesn't really work with hay. Any suggestions from all you savvy chin owners? Anyone know of a new grinder gadget out there from late at night infommercials?

I need suggestions because of this little guy... we were on our way back from the vet after his filing and I had to stop and pull over to take this pic -

How fine do you chop it? What about a food processor or one of those Magic Bullets? If you chop it really fine, a coffee grinder might work.
I was going to suggest the Bullet, like Meanie. Coffee Grinder will work if you want it chopped up really fine.
CJ says (me too) thank you Meanie and Tab :D!

I don't need the hay to be chopped up really fine. I have heard of the Magic Bullet but thought of it as something else, LOL. I just googled it but all I could find was the minimum of a 17 piece set. Do they sell just the gadget itself? Thanks again. :))
CJ says (me too) thank you Meanie and Tab :D!

I don't need the hay to be chopped up really fine. I have heard of the Magic Bullet but thought of it as something else, LOL. I just googled it but all I could find was the minimum of a 17 piece set. Do they sell just the gadget itself? Thanks again. :))
The name always makes me giggle too and googling it these days comes up with way different results than it used to. Not that I'd googled it before. :laughitup:

I'm only finding it in sets. I'd suggest buying it somewhere that has a good return policy in case it doesn't meet your needs. I know they have them at Costco.
I'm not sure why you're chopping the hay...

But I have ... a ninja... I've never used it on hay, but I love it. I use it for everything from making jam, to shakes, and salsa ( tip: don't leave the stuff in too long for salsa or you get jam... ) I got it at WalMart I think it was about $50.
How about just using timothy cubes+ziplock freezer bag+hammer= smashed up chopped hay and a great stress reliever to boot!!!! Hint...the freezer bags even have a place you can write a name on to encourage the pounding process.:laughitup:
How about just using timothy cubes+ziplock freezer bag+hammer= smashed up chopped hay and a great stress reliever to boot!!!! Hint...the freezer bags even have a place you can write a name on to encourage the pounding process.:laughitup:

Hahahaha! I don't know if using the hammer would hurt Sandi's wrist, but I think I have a few names I could write and hammer! I'll send the hay to Sandi. LOL!
LOL Laura and Meanie but I'm not saying what I originally thought hehe.

Nicole, CJ's molars are ground down to his gumline due to his malo, he only eats small pieces of hay when mixed in with his pellets. Now that he's had another filing, he is eating a ton of it. :)) I put a separate bowl of the hay I chopped up for him yesterday and this morning the hay bowl was pretty empty. Thanks for the Ninja prepmaster idea.

It's between the Ninja & the Bullet. I found the Ninja online at Target for $39.99 plus my 10% discount and free shipping, comes to $36 :thumbsup: I like that it has the smaller separate container to the blender looking container. I'm still looking into the Magic Bullet, lol.