Suddenly skin and bone :(

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My lady chinchilla has stopped eating, it seems, and I have tried everything I know. I'm hoping to become a vet so I do know quite a bit, i'm just unsure of how to give her a wholesome meal in a syringe and also how much how often. She is even more quiet than normal and is literally skin and bone with her thick fur on top. She eats the odd raisin and tip of banana when I sit there and make her but no dry food. Her teeth aren't excessively long and seem normal. She has constipation with a little diahhorea that seeps around and gets very matted but this is reduced as she isn't eating pellets at all. Earlier I looked and found she had sort of dry bubbles there, like spider eggs?! anyway, I cleaned her up and she's now sleeping on my lap. I dont want to lose her but i'm so worried i will :'( Any Ideas??
If you're in the UK, you might want to try messaging Claire D on here. She is also over there and can probably tell you a lot better than we can what is available to you. Here, it's Critical Care and now Essentials For Life as well. I know Claire uses something in addition to Critical Care across the pond, but I can't remember what it is.
I would get her to a vet ASAP. She could have teeth issues that you are unable to detect without x-rays causing her not to eat and without food her gut will stop working and she will have even more problems. I would not feed her sugary treats at all, she needs lots of hay if she can/will eat it. You could also grind her pellets and make a mash with warm water if you have nothing else for now. Get as much into her as possible.
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I understand that you are near tears our pets do become our family. Your chins teeth may not be that long at the front but she may be having a tooth problem at the back like we do. You need to get her to a vet asap as chins can get sick very quick and if not gotten the correct care you may regreat it later. For you and your chins sake get to a vet that knows chins. Google it you may get a vet online at the mo.

Best of luck hope all turns out ok x
Grind her pellets in a coffee grinder or blender or something, add some acidophilus into that, and mix with water until you can get something better. You also need to put her on simethicone, a dropper every 4 hrs to get rid of bloat. If she's laying in your lap and is not normally that way, she doesn't have much time and you need to get food into her now.

I'm not sure how she can be constipated and have diarrhea, that's basically impossible. Constipation in chins is small, hard poops. No poops is probably stasis or blockage.

Also massage her belly, and she probably needs to go the vet to make sure she doesn't have a blockage.
Whereabouts in the UK are you based?

As the others have said, your chin needs a vet check ASAP as well as high fibre foods & plenty of fluids. Although, I have to say that from your description, you have a very sick chin on your hands :(
Ugh I know how much that blows. My young chin got sick like that and ended up being a little shrimpy. But he pulled through, after a few months of expensive ****. Anyway, yeah I agree with everybody that she has to see a vet but she also has got to eat. Until you get something like CC or EFL I would give her the ground up pellets as mentioned. Once furby got ill it was a downward spiral and it took a lot of patience and it sucked but it was all worth it! Its a pain but I'm sure you can do it! G
ood luck!!!
Ps I would give her unsweetened shredded wheats, it will help with the fiber!