Stuck in teeth?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I think my chin (who i handfeed) has something stuck in his teeth. He is pawing his face unusually frequent today.
Is there anything I can do to get it out myself? Or should I take him to the vet on Monday for her to check?
Michelle, unless you have someone who can help you with a tiny flashlight and help you keeping Richie's mouth open I think it would be very difficult for you to search for something and remove it yourself. Keep an eye on him and make sure he is not choking. But definitely make sure you let the vet know on Monday that he started pawing at his mouth tonight.
im going to make an appointment tomorrow. he keeps pawing & is drooling a lot. i know he has malo but he is on meds and this came on very sudden with the excessive pawing.
so...............back to the vet we go. my poor richie. i feel so bad for him. my heart hurts.
I hope the vet is able to get some pain management or something for Richie, it does sound like he is in pain. It is amazing how sweet and nice they still can be even when they are hurting. Such great animals. I hope you find a solution.