Strange looking ears

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I recieved this hedgie in a cardboard box that was dropped off by a friend from someone she worked with.

He is very mean, was covered in feces, junk stuck on his quills and he is missing 3/4 of a foot. After he was all cleaned up... and BITING like crazy.... its taken at least 6 months for me to even be able to look in the cage without him closing up.

I noticed his ears are strange. They look like really thick leather and the ends are ratty. So here is a photo and I needed some advice. (there are no hedgehog vets near me either) My regular vet helps me out if someone give me a definate answer on what is wrong.

Regarding the shavings in the photo... I am aware that shavings arn't supposed to be used now but I have never had a problem in the 9 years of owning hedgehogs. And they are Pine.


Also if you pick him up (which I do anyway) he will stay in his tight ball the whole time. Weather it be 5 minutes or 2 hours. He honestly hates people... and I don't blame him, I think he foot was actually cut off by his old owner or something.
They remind me of boxers' ears - cauliflower ears. What I'd want to do is clean them up and apply something like bag balm after dealing with any infection that could be contributing to the problem. But if he's in such a tight ball with humans, that's going to be difficult.

Poor little guy.

I'm glad you pick him up. Hopefully, some day, he'll be able to understand that some humans are good.
well I`m tryin to get him to open up... but as soon as he smells skin or cloths by his face he bites. HARD and he doesn`t let go. But he frowns so there is no getting to those ears.... :(
If he was abused, it may take him a long time before he builds any trust in you... and he may never fully trust you. Cooper was an aggressive biter too, these little guys can really hurt when they want to let you know they mean business.

Are his ears crusty? Or do they just look like they are covered in filth? One of mine had nasty ears too when I took him in, not like yours though. His had long "fingers" of filth and his ears looked "cracked" from the layer of yuck on them. Like yours, my boy kept his head quills down almost all the time and was a very aggressive biter. What I did was to sit with a glob of bag balm or nipple cream on my finger and my hedgehog on my chest or lap and wait for the moment he would uncurl enough for me to smear some on his ear. I would only get 1 ear every 3-4 days but it did help clear them up.

Hopefully your little guy will start to let you treat his ears.
Hey all.... I have tried to no avail...... this little guy is not commin outta this ball!!! Darn bugga! I'll keep trying.... thats all I can do....
Poor guy. Sometimes these little hedgehogs can be so stubborn about opening up and trusting again.

Does his ears look any worse? If they are staying the same, I'd leave him alone and just concentrate on bonding with him. Maybe in time he will finally let you help him out.

If you ever have to have him anesthetized at a vet's office, have the vet take a closer look.
I don't know anything about hedgies, but I'm happy he has a good home with you. Poor little fellow, I feel for him.