storing supplement???

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
I just got a box of Ryerson's supplement delivered for my chins.I know my guys will never consume the box before it ages out.I plan on donating a portion of it.My question though is how can I safely store amounts for my use.I have a vacuum sealer and can do both the bag seals and mason jar seals.Would this help it to keep longer for me to use?Also do I need to refridgerate the portion that I am feeding from and/or what I vacuum seal?? Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!!
I keep all my chin food, supplements and herbs in glass jars. I do not use plastic as there are to many harmful chemicals in plastic.

They just released news that some plastic bags used in grocery and other stores have high amounts of lead. The lead amount is above the standard allowed.
I dont think you need to keep it cold, if you buy just a few pounds at a time it comes in a plastic bag with a twisty at the top. I believe, correct me if Im wrong, that as long as you keep it air tight you should be fine. Here I have just always kept it in a big jar.
I keep mine in the bag it came in. I just squeeze most of the air out before I tie it shut. I also keep it in a place that doesn't get hot.
Ryersons contains raw wheat germ, it should be kept in the refrigerator since wheat germ goes rancid fast.
Like Dawn said, anything that has wheat germ has to be refrigerated. When I used the Ryerson supplement I kept it in the bag it came in, rubber banded shut, in the fridge. Took me about six months to get through the whole box.

Couldn't ship it in the summer, a lot of things go rancid in the mail due to the heat down here.