Storing Hay Cubes

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hey everyone,

I just bought a 50lb bag of hay cubes and I was wondering where I should store it. Is it alright for me to have it in the basement? Or will it go bad?

i keep mine in a rubbermaid tub and they stay fresh (Feel and smell fresh) for a looooong time (this batch has been in there for 4 months). As long as it is not too hot, or too humid where you keep them, they should stay fresh for a while.
Alright, thanks. And I'm just curious, what colour are yours? are they a bright green? mine are kiind of a faded green and I'm not sure if they are old. I couldnt find a date on the bag.
Paulo, you have to make sure it's dry and not humid where you're storing them or they could mold.
We have a de-humidifier in the basement so its pretty dry and not humid. So it should be fine. My parents just dont want a 50lb bag of hay in the chinchilla room. :p
Throw it into a plastic tote because if the bag is on the concrete grow you may get condensation, and that will lead to mold. Just throw it in a big rubber maid and your parents should be happy :) haah