:wave: Hi & Welcome to the forum BTW.
I have checked out the forums but have a few questions to ask. Please help as much as you can thanks;
1. Water - I see they cannot have tap due to the bacteria. Could you recommend any filters or a cheap water that will do the trick? Are there any filters that would work?
Since you are based in the UK - here most breeders & pet owners use tap water without problems. The standards applied to our water are pretty high & I have only ever come across one breeder who had a problem with giardia in the tap water.
If you're concerned then it is worth checking out your local water authority to see if they have problems with the purity levels of the water supply
2. Gender - I decided on girls as I thought two males may fight sometimes or play a bit too rough. Also the 'hair-ring' kinda put me off haha. Is this a good choice or can males be just as good and well behaved as females?
As the others have said already, not much difference between the sexes. Females can have an unexpected punch-up just as well as males can. A good friend of mine had 2 girls fall out after 6 years of living perfectly happily together so you can never tell.
3. Cost - What are the average monthly running costs for a Chinchilla? Obviously with the current financial climate, I dont want to have to give them away in the future. This is mostly about feed, water, ect. though do include potential larger payments that may need to be made during the year.
Once you've done the initial costly set-up for your chins plus cages & all accessories, chins are pretty inexpensive to keep. Depending on where you source your pellets & hay from the costs can vary - pet shops are often more expensive but even then you shouldn't be paying more than around £10 per week for basic food/hay/treats/toys.
Again, it all depends on where you buy them from.
Your biggest expense will always be vet bills - it is essential that you either have money set aside for unexpected vet bills or have a "Flexible Friend" (credit card). Emergency treatment for chins can be very expensive.
4. Feed, Water, Bedding ect. - Coudl any UK Chinchilla owners please recommend any good providers and costs, or perhaps let me know what they would use and its cost?
I use http://www.onlynaturalpetsupplies.co.uk & http://www.hammockyhammocks.co.uk, both of which are excellent value & support UK rescue work.
I also use http://www.thehayexperts.co.uk
John Hopewell has already been mentioned - he is lovely & makes excellent cages & accessories. He also sells hay, chinchilla pellets, & dust.
5. Temperature - My room is almost always below 70 so no worry of hitting any higher. During the day, whilst at work, I will probably leave the window slightly ajar to allow some cool air to come in and take out the musky hot air. Would going below 50 be as harmful as passing 70 given their thick coats?
As long as the ambient temperature does not creep over 70 then you'll be fine. Over that you need to start looking at air-conditioning.
In terms of lower temperatures, as long as it's not freezing they will be fine. Those breeders who keep their chins outdoors here rarely bother with additional heat except individual heat pads for pregnant females.
6. Sleeping - Do they sleep on or (like hamsters) within their bedding?
They don't need bedding but you'll sometimes find them snoozing on a pile of discarded hay, just because they can.
7. Fleece Liners & Toilet - I hear alot of people use fleece liners as they can just be shook out and washed rather than use wood shavings. Would the lining be okay to be on the bottom of the cage or would they chew at this?
The majority of chinchilla cages in the Uk are mesh floored - most breeders do not use shavings & just line the cage trays (or under cage shelves) with newspaper.
If you're going to use shavings you may find the chins have a quick nibble on them to begin with - just because they can
8. Breeders - I have been looking at local breeders, though I know a store called Pets At Home sells Chinchillas. I was wondering if anyone in the UK knew of a North West breeder so as to minimise trauma on transporting the cute little boys/girls?
It is worth looking for a responsible chinchilla breeder near you rather than going to P@H.
Depending on what you require & where you are based you may also like to consider rescue chins.
The biggest UK dedicated chinchilla rescue is in Northampton & is always looking for homes for chins. http://www.rj-chinchillarescue.co.uk It's always worth contacting Jane to see if she has any pairs available.
BTW most chins don't mind travelling - they will often just snooze the entire journey away quite happily. I think we worry more about them than is necessary at times. As long as they cannot overheat - chins should not really be transported in warm weather & air-con in the car is essential if you do have to take them anywhere (vets for example).
9. Baths - I know, I know. NO WATER! They use very fine sand or dust baths for 15-20 minutes for 2-3 times a week. Anyone recommend some?
Sepoilite is what you need. You can often buy chinchilla dust online or in pet shops (John Hopewell sells it).
Okay, thats about it. For now. Haha. If you can help out with one question, great. All - fantastic. I just want to see peoples opinions and get some help. I dont wish to take on a Chinchilla then find I am missing something or have the wrong feed, bedding, ect.
If you feel you have anything to ask of me or wish to say anything else, I encourage you to do so. Don't think you will insult me, after all its about their health and happiness at the end of the day. So the more I know the better.
The only other thing I will add is find a chinchilla competent vet nearby. There's nothing worse than having an emergency situation & not knowing where a good vet can be found.