Still not drinking (at all), not eating much, 5 days after Baytril.

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Active member
Nov 9, 2012
My Chin was treated w/ Baytril, Cisapride, & eye gel for a respiratory thing and eye discharge. The eye looks better, not watery like it was. The Baytril treatment was finished this past Tuesday, so he's been off completely for 5 days.

I had been force-feeding him Critical Care up until a couple of days ago. I know there's chins who'd rather just eat that, but he always hated it.

I've given him a pellet and he chewed on it a bit, he's eaten a piece of wheat cereal, and he grabs some hay sometimes, so he isn't completely refusing food.
BUT, he's had 2 tablespoons of Mazuri in his bowl for a few days now and barely touched it. Also, his water level doesn't seem to have gone down.


I don't know what to do. Why won't he drink at least? He must be dehydrated, but I have no idea how to help him transition to eat and drink on his own.
Is he eliminating normally? Sometimes it doesn't look like they are eating much, but if the chin is still pooping a decent amount, they may be getting enough food.

HOWEVER, I would suggest feeding some Critical Care again, maybe spacing out the feedings- 10 or so mls 3 times per day (since you said he is eating a bit on his own). Feeding CC helps to increase his water intake as well as food. I would also suggest weighing your chin every other day at the same time to make sure his weight is stable. Increase the CC if his weight drops. Monitor his droppings and urination. It can take a whole lot of patience with these guys to get them eating their regular diet after their bodies have been pummeled with antibiotics.

He is pooping a lot — like normal. I can see it when he's been on a ledge for a while: Lots of normal-sized poo!

I see him eating pellets right now! Exciting ^_^ ...I just wish he would drink. It's really freaking me out. The bottle isn't clogged or anything...
If his poo is normal, he is both eating and drinking. He just may not be drinking much. Dehydration would produce small, hard droppings.
Ah it may be because I took Dragonflye's advice and forced some CC the other day. But now that I saw him have some pellets and hay, would just rather not stress him out with feedings unless necessary... hope those normal poos keep coming.
Keep a eye on the weight, if it stays steady he is eating enough, if it is sliding he needs to be fed. The more they are fed the less stressed they are.