still alive

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I'm still alive, we've been very busy and I've been gone from the forums, unfortunately I can't say I'm going to necessarily be around more soon...

I am starting my nursing school and working part time, Andi's starting 4H, two girls in piano, and... nope, no babies unless they're chins here! And, I am still recovering form sinus surgery which really knocked me down, I was basically banned from the chins for a month only allowed very brief walk throughs even with a mask. Still having some issues I was hoping was related to the sinuses, but I'm not sure that they are... been a frequent flier at the doctor for the last 6 months trying to sort everything out.

So I'm alive, still kicking, crazy busy, but hoping to attend at least one, hopefully two chin shows this coming season, I've got a bunch growing out!
NO babies!??!?! Whatever, get outta here.

But glad you've stopped in to say hi. Hope you get to feeling better though.
It just keeps getting more and more interesting each day! School starts tomorrow, plus I'm working, I hope I can keep up! Thursday my horse rolled over on me... she has some teeth coming in and pulled back, then lost her balance, thought maybe my foot was broke, Doc said my foot was broke... at some time long ago, lol, but not now the x ray showed, just bruised it up good. It's feeling a lot better now, that legs a bit sore, but not as bad as one would think with a whole horse laying on it! LOL She's a good girl, I got back on after that and things were fine. I should ask Dr. H if I can come and check out that new hot tub I'm sure I've paid for already... lol
That's rough! Glad you weren't hurt and that she wasn't hurt either. Mine came over on me about 2 weeks ago but we were in the creek so neither of us got hurt I just thought she was gonna drown me! And wet jeans and a wet saddle made for a rough ride home!! lol
I had a horse lay down while I was riding him, but luckily he didn't roll over. My friend/owner of the horse said "Hurry up, jump off and kick him" Haha, so I did and he stood back up. I didn't ride him the rest of the way home, walked him. I think he was just tired from hauling around my fat butt for 3 hours.
Had her teeth looked at today, then the snot didn't want to load back into the trailer... about killed her, or just left her there!

They took out one wolf tooth that was inflamed ( well the tissue) and coming in, they didn't feel one at all on the other side, so hopefully we'll be back to riding next week and have her and Andi ready for the show in Sept!