Sticky poo and I don't know what to do!

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
I have a 13 wk old girl and I noticed clumped feces in her cage and thought maybe she peed on it and stepped on it but now, 4 days later, I see she has some stuck to her fur. I don't know whats going on. I had a fecal sample done 2 wks ago bc her cage mate died (10 wk old boy) but it was negative. I'm worried she needs to get to the vet but also worried about taking her bc my AC is out in the car and it will be about a 45 min drive. She doesn't get treats yet, just mazuri pellets, timothy hay, and bottled water. I don't know if maybe its something to do with the change in food from the breeder, she did organics, or what. I'm baffled and any suggestions would be helpful on keeping her hydrated.
How long have you had her? It could be stress, food switch, different water or illness.

Is it coming out formed but when she steps on it, it squishes?
It may be from the stress of losing a friend. Have you tried plain unsugared shredded wheat?? A few of mine have gotten soft stool for one reason or the other and I would give 1 shredded wheat 2 tmes per day for about 3 days.
I'm a little confused why the breeder thought it was alright to have such a young girl in with a male. But...

She's still eating, right? It could be her overeating, it could be stress, it could be illness. I'd give her probiotics and Life Line if she were here to help settle her stomach. She could have a little irritation in her intestinal tract - I give the chins a little dried peppermint to help with that. The shredded wheat can help a little if it's just simple diarrhea.

Definitely keep the vet appointment to be safe. It will put your mind at ease and also possibly catch any problems that she may be having.
Is there anyway you can borrow someone's car with working AC to take her? if it doesn't clear up in the next week or so, I would say try to get her there.
I've had her a month. The breedre said she was on all organics so maybe its the food but she's been eating it for the whole month and never had a problem till now.
Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll try the shredded wheat. She's not overeating. She seems to just want her hay anyway. She goes crazy for it. I took her pellets away to watch her for a couple of days. The breeder had her in a cage with 4 other boys and one was about 6 mos. and was really sick looking. She actually wouldn't' sell him till she had him checked out. I've been concerned if that lil guy could've passed anything to the 2 I bought from her. One died so I'll never know.
Mazuri pellets caused soft poos in my chins. I switched them from Mazuri to Nutrena Rabbit pellet and have not had issues since. I honestly think the best thing you can do for this chin is a vet visit. She was in a cage with a male that died and you do not know the cause--this could be something passed from him to her.
Where are you in Indiana? I am in Indiana as well, perhaps I could help you out. I know of several veterinarians through out Indiana there are good with chins.
My AC got fixed today! I've heard Hillview was great on the South side. I have shrdded wheat in with her now so we'll see and if it doesn't improve in a day or so, I'll take her to a vet. Thanks again for the advice!
Mazuri pellets caused soft poos in my chins. I switched them from Mazuri to Nutrena Rabbit pellet and have not had issues since. I honestly think the best thing you can do for this chin is a vet visit. She was in a cage with a male that died and you do not know the cause--this could be something passed from him to her.

Mazuri caused my chins to have soft poos as well so I switched them to Manna Pro. ;) No more soft poos and small weight gains :D
Great. Now she's acting just as my lil guy did the night before he died. Very sluggish-almost limping, nodding out, attempting to eat but barely will. Its like 1 am. She should be up and active like my others. I'm worried. Also starting to get mad at the breeder I got them from because i don't think its anything I've done wrong considering my other 4 are good. I got 2 babies from a breeder I've never dealt with and I had the 10 wk old boy for 3 wks when he died and now her for about 6 wks and she's acting the same. Grrr! I wish I knew what to do bc I can't get to a vet tomorrow bc I work.
Maybe the babies went to a new home too soon? Seven weeks would be too early for me to let a chin go to a new home. I like to wean them and watch them for a bit.

I really hope your girl is alright, sluggish and limping is very bad. Is there an emergency vet that you could get to sooner?

I'm sorry this is happening....have you contacted the breeder? I'd get on the phone with her and tell her about what is going on. I know that if this happened here (it wouldn't happen the same way because I'd never let someone have a young female and a young male at the same time) I'd want to know and be able to help out.
This chinchilla needs to see a vet. If she is still alive in the morning you need to get her there. You are not going to figure out what is wrong with her without her seeing a vet. Feeding her shreddies isn't going to fix the problem as it sounds like much more than a loose stool issue.
Shes been laying with me in bed. The other one did the same-snuggled up to my neck and slept through the night. Sweet but bad news. With him, he made it about 14 hours later. I can't even get her to drink water. I've tried contacting the breeder and haven't had any luck. I'll try again tomorrow. They offer a 30 day guarantee if you get a necropsyi ? done. That doesn't heal heartache! I thought about breeding down the road but I can't handle it emotionally bc I love my animals as though they're my kids! It breaks my heart and I'm so helpless. Is it anything I could've done? I hope not but can't help but wonder. I only feed them mazuri pellets, timothy hay, bottled water and NO treats till they are 6 mos and then only once a wk. They have kiln dried pine bedding and haven't chewed on anything they aren't supposed to. I do have a pumice stone, and chew blocks in there. Idk. She's just tryin to snuggle in my duvet and laying very still. Its like she wants to be comfy. I thought she may have been eating her poo earlier. I got 2 of my other ones as young babies and they are 8 mos and I've never had any problems with them. They are beautiful and healthy. This one not doing so good is a beautiful mosaic violet carrier. I hate to see this happen :(
Have you looked up emergency vets? You should find out if there are any asap. Or when the vet opens in the morning just go in even if you don't have an appointment. It's all you can do, I hope it works out.
Is there a reason you did not take her to the vet when it was suggested to you? As soon as the other chin died, this little one should have been taken her to the vet to find out what was going on.

A little baby like that doesn't have a lot of time to spare. The sooner they get vet care, the sooner you may have been able to help her.
Once again, where are you in Indiana? Like everyone has said, this chin needs a vet or you may very likely lose her too. If you are close to me I'd be willing to pick her up and take her to my vet since you say your reason is because you don't have a car with a/c.
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