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Is it true that 90% of all males are steril? That number seems way to high.
I would say 90% are good producers....not sterile. I have seen that written places and repeated by idiots I know of one breeder on yahoo answers that says 90% of chinchillas are sterile..complete BS
In my experience, 5% of males are exceptional breeders, 5% are non breeders and 90% are average.

An exceptional breeder is a male that puts out 30 or more babies a year with 5 females, and can jump start just about any non-breeding female.

A normal male might only put out 15-20 babies with the same 5 females.

Of course, the catch is to find those exceptional breeders and put them to use. :D
I'd say that falls in line with all the other urban legends people say about chins...and unfortunately a lot of people seem to believe it