I wash and dry my liners without fabric softer so they will be more absorbent and so there is no residue from the washing. I am now having static electricity problems. Any suggestion to stop or lessen this problem?
Have either of you tried the blue dryer balls? They eliminate static. I use them with my clothes and it works perfectly. We got the balls at Bed Bath and Beyond. http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/search/search.aspx/dryer-ball/?sstr=dryer+ball&grid=20&dim=1&nty=1&
The green one is for dewrinkling clothes, love it!
As for the two blue ones, I used the first and had no static until they became old and I got green ones for Christmas (hate them!)
Cool! I have actually used these but some how the ones I had have gone missing. Had not thought about them until this post. I will go track some down. Thanks for the suggestion.