Wow.. intros have me stressed out! Quarantine is over and trying to intro Thunder to my guy Rocket. Rocket is 6 , Thunder is 7. Thunder has come along so nicely this past month. He is a sweet heart. He never had a playtime and is really getting used to them now. I can see such a change in him. He is getting so comfortable with me and has started to climb on me and even came up to me to take him out of the cage the other night. Rocket has been going nuts with Thunders cage near by. Running around his cage like a mad man and teeth chattering a little. I put them both in a new bathroom to try an intro and they ignored each other at first. Then they sniffed a little. The one being sniffed would kinda scoot away fast . Rocket tried to mount Thunder twice , which is what i figured would happen, Thunder made a little squeek and would scoot off. No fur flying, a little chasing but not much . A tiny scuffle and some teeth chattering . I decided to end it after 10 min on a good note. My heart was pounding to fast to take much more than that. The next try, they sniffed noses right away but Rocket looked like he attempted a quick nip but Thunder backed away fast enough and didnt get bit. He tried again and i ended the playdate right away . Third try, they pretty much ignored each other. Both were on my lap at one time but they didnt act they they noticed the other one. I kept it to 10 min and ended it on a good note. Not sure if that was a good or bad play time but at least no one got hurt. So .... can use some opinions. Does that sound pretty typical ? Should i be keeping them there longer ? Do i just keep going like i am until they groom each other or acknowledge each other in a positive way? I was really scared by the nip attempt..... is that a horrible sign ? Any advice as to how to proceed is great. Better to put some distraction like toys in the room or does that give them something to fight over? I gave them a dust bath in there big enough for the 2 of them but they went in separate .