Stale Pellets?

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Went to my local feed store and bought come Purina Rabbit Chow Show but they only had 50 lb bags. As i only have 2 adult and 2 4 week olds can the pellets go stale? What is the best storing method?
I buy 50 lbs for 4 adults and one rabbit and it lasts me about 6 months. I bought my current bag at the very end of December and will have to buy some in a month or so. I store it in a tote in my living room. That way the temps are ok. You can donate some, or split it with someone. I plan on donating twenty pounds out of the next bag to my local animal shelter, since they have a food pantry for people to come get food for the pets if they need it. I've also got a few people interested in splitting a bag of timothy cubes when those come in just from posting on craigslist.

Most food is good for six months if kept properly.
This may be a stupid question, but how do you locate nearby feedstores? I want to switch my boys from Mazuri to PRCS because I was getting the Mazuri at Petsmart, but I'd like to feed them something that hasn't been sitting on the shelf for so long. I don't mind ordering online, but it would be nice to save on shipping.

I have tried Googling 'tractor supply', 'feed supply store', 'farm supply' but no luck. I live in the Chicago suburbs. I'd be willing to drive up to 25 miles (maybe more), but I just can't find anything! :banghead: Help?
You can also buy Mazuri in 25 lb bags from the feed store. It's about $13.00. It your chins are doing well on the Mazuri don't bother switching, just switch where you purchase it (and pay a whole lot less than you do at petsmart).

I typed in "chicago feed store" and found these.

Fox Thing in the Morning Feed Back -
205 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago - (312) 540-9353
Directions and more »

Iowa Grain Co -
141 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago - (312) 786-9760
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J M Rose Grain & Feed Merchants -
175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago - (312) 427-1561
Thank you! I didn't want to have to drive into the city, but I will take a look at those.

I am also wanting to (very gradually) switch because I'd like to see a little more weight on my 6year old. He is not losing, but his poops have been a little inconsistent for years. It could just be how he is, or it could be the Mazuri, so I thought I'd try something cheaper that I've heard good things about, as long as I'm going to forgo buying at the pet store. I also don't like the idea of corn in Mazuri.
Oh I'm sure there are some outside of the city. Usually the further you go outside of a city the more feed stores you find.