Squeaky's Progress

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Sep 28, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Today was a very busy day for him, we started out building him a house and ledges. We took out all the plastic except his wheel. I know he needs a different one but he has not chewed on it for two years so I am hopeing he doesn't start now. We did get him a marble stone for 1.50 at lowes and a pyrex pan for 2.69 at a store close to us. I did buy him a toy to chew on because he had nothing so I hope that he will enjoy that. Well we have been talking to him and letting him do things on his own time well tonight he allowed me to give him skitches and he came out of his cage and left me hold him for a few miniutes.:dance3: I think thatletting him do things on his term has really paid off.
That's awesome. Chins really do enjoy chewies (things to chew on), and you can get cheap ones from people online (there's a thread on top of the "chin supplies for sale" section that has a lot of good online sellers). Nice deals on the marble and pyrex, too!

You can get a chin spin without the powder coating, since they are having problems with it coming off, and it'll be a little cheaper, although I don't know exactly how much. Just a thought since the good wheels are all so pricey.

Great job on taking out the plastic and starting to make him ledges and a house!! Good for you!!
I receied my supplies today, they are great.:dance3: I opened the box next to his cage and he was puting his nose right upto the cage wire to see what I got. I gave him a dust bath and he looks great now. I do not think that he has ever had any wood to chew:hmm: but he just might not of been interested today. I will have to get pictures of him posted once I figure out how. I cannot thank you enough for helping me out with everything, I am so glad that I found this site and you.
Aw, glad I could help. I've had a few members help me out as well when I was in doubt. I think it's sad if he never got wood before, maybe you could hand him a twig like you did with the pellets and see if he'll take it from you, also try snapping a thin twig in half and see if he'll take that.