squeaking/hissing at touch

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I moved my chinchilla to a new place a few days ago. He's been a little bit moody since then, which I suspected might just be the shock of the move; however, today, he's been making plaintive little squeaks, and hissed a little bit at me when I touched his side/stomach. As far as I can tell, he seems to be eating, and I don't quite know how to tell whether it is bloat, but I am concerned. (I have also never taken him to the vet before; if anyone has recommendations for a decent practice near Pasadena, CA, it would be nice.)
Can you weigh his pellets? That is the best way to know how much he is eating. Mark his water bottle with a bit of tape to see how much he is drinking. Also lay paper towels on his cage floor to see how much he is pooping and peeing. As long as he's doing all that he won't need to go to a vet and that would just stress him out more. Can you spend more time with him? Keep us updated please.
Having taken him over to the (really nearby) vet and spent most of last night sitting up with him, it does look like it was mostly just a scare -- the vet looked him over and said that while his stomach was a little quieter than she would like, he did seem to be pooping and eating normally (he very obligingly pooped a bit in front of her). It turns out that the pain in his side was from a small cut I couldn't see. It does look like he's drinking and eating reasonably; I'm keeping an eye on him in case his quiet stomach gets any quieter, though.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Try to find out where he got cut so it won't happen again. Feel all over his cage for a sharp point. Has he been running outside his cage for playtime? Keep an eye on him, he may need antibiotics and pain meds. They really are quite delicate sometimes and can go downhill fast. Continue updating us, he will be in my thoughts. Ps welcome to CnH
I have checked for sharp points, and found none (he runs outside his cage, in a pillowed-off area so he can't hurt himself), but the cut's near a small furchew -- I'm suspecting he maybe nibbled himself and really regrets it now.

He's still eating and pooping OK. He's been making his plaintive noises, and being unusually friendly -- he's not the most sociable chin, but today he stood on/ran up my arm multiple times -- not sure if he's just getting to trust me a little more (I've had him for ~4 months; he's about four years old, his previous owner had to move across the country and couldn't take him) or whether he's trying to cry out for help, and I'm scared that it's the latter. (He was also nibbling on my hand a lot, and peeping pretty continually. I saw him wiping at his mouth and thought 'malocclusion' in a panic, but the vet didn't think so, and it was right after I gave him an anti-inflammatory via mouth, so he could just be going 'ugh, drugs'.)

& thanks for the welcome -- sad that I have to introduce myself by posting my worries rather than something happy, but it happens.
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