Spoiling and the importance of routine

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Active member
Sep 17, 2010
Chicago, USA
I'm a freelancer and I have an erratic schedule. I often work from home so that facilitates plenty of chinchilla time and I live with my girlfriend so she can let him out if I'm gone at night. However, my life is such that Gulliver doesn't always get let out one a strict schedule–sometimes I'm out working a 14-hour day and I'm so used to this that I don't have a very routine life in general.

How important is it to let them out at exactly the same time every day? Are they happier with, for example, knowing they'll get playtime from 8pm to 9pm every day than a longer amount of random time every day?

Also, I'm wondering if there's such a thing as too much playtime/free time. Sometimes I do have the opportunity to let him out of the cage with me for 2 or 3 hours in a day, which I'd think is nice. However, might this somehow create a certain expectation within him whereby he's subsequently cranky at me if he doesn't get out as much, even if he's still getting out a good amount of time?

I know chins are odd creatures. I'm still trying to figure out what influences Gulliver's moods, inscrutable as they often are. I'm just wondering what I can do to make Gulliver as happy as possible.

Thanks for the input.

Chinchillas don't NEED to be let out to be happy and healthy. They also don't have to have a perfect and regular routine. I don't think anyone follows a perfect routine every day unless their OCD and can't stand disorder in their lives of any kind.

2-3 hours is fine but I wouldn't let him out longer than that. There is such a thing as too long because they can and will exhaust themselves.
I never let my girl out at the same time every night or for the same amount of time either and she does just fine. Im sure your chin will be happy with whatever you provide for him :)
i clean my boys cages at pretty much the same time every night, just because that is what my schedule permits. but i dont let them all out every night. i do have a couple that have little "fits" if they are not let out every night or close to it.
i think that Gulliver will be happy with any time he can get and if you find your schedule gets tighter, maybe you can get him a wheel or saucer??
Thanks for the reassurance, everyone. Apparently I'm just spoiling him.

His cage is a Ferret Nation 142 and he has a large Chin Spin, several chew toys, and I've tried to make his cage fun with different ledges and spaces to crawl in. (I really scored by finding all this stuff on craigslist at once.)

Neurotic New Father Syndrome strikes again, I suppose. That's why I put this in the newbie forum rather than the behavior forum!

One point of interest:

Chinchillas don't NEED to be let out to be happy and healthy.

They're really happy being stuck in cages all their life? Respectfully–you have much more experience than I, obviously–Gulliver seems so eager to get out I find that hard to believe.
A sedentary lifestyle is never better than being active. Every living animal benefits physically and mentally from excercise.
Yeah sooo... I definitely spelled exercise wrong. See, college degrees don't mean anything.

But I wanted to add that I don't think that they really care what time they get let out especially if it varies night to night.
Another newbie here as well..
We have a pretty regular schedule. Usually we eat dinner @ 7pm, then have chinnie playtime after. Playtime lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how rambunctious Annabelle is that day. We've discovered that if we let it last longer than an hour, she starts acting like a over-tired toddler. :crazy:
I very rarely let Shelly out at the same time. When she is out it is anywhere from an hour to 4 hours. It really depends on how late it is and how much she wants to play. I've learned that she will run to her cage and relax if shes tired. I may have her doors open for 4 hours but odds are she will only be out for roughly 1 or 2. On the days that I cut playtime short or not give one I will give her extra chews. It helps curb the hissy fit.
I am the OCD owner Tab was talking about, LOL. Mine get let out every day at 5:30am, play until 7:00am, off to work they go, at 5:30 pm when we get home they play until 7:30pm. They have missed no play time in years. Its more for me then them actually, I love to see them play and have fun!
I am the OCD owner Tab was talking about, LOL. Mine get let out every day at 5:30am, play until 7:00am, off to work they go, at 5:30 pm when we get home they play until 7:30pm. They have missed no play time in years. Its more for me then them actually, I love to see them play and have fun!

Are all your chins out at one time? Or do you rotate through play times?

To the OP- Sounds like you have a GREAT set-up!! Gulliver is a very lucky boy. He may begin to feel entitled to large amounts of play time, and may throw a tantrum is he doesn't get let out, but missing playtime every once in awhile won't harm him physically or mentally. I'm a musician in grad school, my life isn't consistent either. The chins just adapt with me, sometimes they play at 7pm and sometimes it's not until closer to midnight.
I do 5 then 3, They play in their bedroom, the spare bedroom is split in half with 2 play pens and they have the family room.
I have seven chinchillas and every single one of them want and enjoy getting out every day for a runabout, dust and some interaction with me. Some nights if things are just too crazy in the house, they don't get out or I'll let some out but not others but all get their pellets and hay topped up as well as a pinch of their oat treat and they are fine but the next night the ones that didn't get out do etc. etc.

I don't think it really matters so much the exact time you let the chins out but rather it's the routine they seem to crave and often the boys aren't out for long periods of time, just enough for them to get out, dust, I tidy up the cage and top up their things and then they're happy to go back. When I only had one chin or maybe three, they absolutely loved spending long periods of time outside of their cage and they'd hang out with me on the back of the couch or sit on my feet.
I let mine out in groups in the playpen whenever I get a chance. They do not get out every day. They have plenty of tunnels and toys in their houses and seem pretty happy and healthy.

Let them out as often as you have the time, no real schedule is required. Just chinproof the area well, be careful they don't overheat, and all will be good.
I usually take Trixie out every other night. As I leave her carrier out when she is playing, she pretty much determines when she wants to cage up again, but returning to her carrier. I can usually tell when she is wining down, as she will start hovering around her carrier. Averag time out is 45 mins to an hour. Because of my schedule, it usually turns out to be anout the same time.
On the off nights, I spend time sitting with her at her cage. And she has her wheel.
I usually let my chin out everyday around the same time. Our household is pretty much on schedule with the playtime; Over time, our chin seemed to adapt to our schedule. When it gets close to playtime, my chin seems to know (but most likely when I'm nearby and tell her it's almost playtime) and gets very excited with anticipation.

On the off chance that I skip a playtime, she does seem a bit cranky about it. Her home is more of a mess than usual. Also, during the next playtime, she acts more of a nut and tries to get away with things she knows she's not supposed to do (acts of defiance; like a punishment at me since I didn't let her out as usual). She has a wheel and all... but I guess she just likes playtime a lot more.
Thanks, everyone, for the interesting dialogue here. Very helpful perspective.



P.S. Crazy Chinchilla Lady Award goes to: ticklechin! =)
We've discovered that if we let it last longer than an hour, she starts acting like a over-tired toddler. :crazy:

Oohhhh i know that one! Mine whinges when i take him out the cage for a run, then goes mental when running, then he's clearly hot n tired, refuses to be caught. I catch him, put him in the cage and whack! He's splat out on his chiller for 15 mins cooling down and recharging. Toddler is the best description for mine.

I wish i had the power/patience/time that Tickledchin does with hers. Those chins have an epic playroom that they want to go to, but also leave when told to! Clearly routines work with training too...wheras mine gets confused when i go to the cage for cuddles as he thinks its playtime or vise versa!