Specific nutritional specs questions

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
What exactly makes a pellet a good quality for a chin? What makes it a bad pellet for them? (Other then the basic no extras, fruit, veggies, seed, nut etc) What key nutrients are needed and what percentages are required? What can make a specific rabbit food safe for chins, but others not.
That whole kinda thing...


How about the hay? What are the nutritional requirments from hay? What is the nutritional difference between the hays (and non nutritional)?
Most of the info I think you are looking for can be found on the thread Food for thought on feed! from a few years ago. It just talks about pellets though I think, but should give you a better understand of what makes a food good or bad based on ingredients.

Most of the info I know on hay I learned growing up around horses and found from horse sites like this one (I just did a quick online search for a random example site), but I also found this chart on a guinea pig site that has more hay types. I haven't really found any info on what the levels should be in hay, probably since hay is hay regardless of brand. Grass hays all have similar nutritional levels, and all legume hays seem to have similar levels.