Sonic's Eyes

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So I have a question about Sonic's eyes. I never noticed really before, because when we got her she was quite shy.

But after giving her a bath yesterday, I noticed her right eye was really hazy looking and blue. Now I know she had black eyes with blue around the edges. But the difference between her two eyes is noticeable.


See the difference?
My boyfriend swears her eye has looked like this since we got her.
Is this something we should be worried about?
She seems to be fine, not like she's in pain or anything.
But I'm just a worrysome new mother lol.


Any help would be appreciated!
I don't really know what it is considering she isn't bothered by it but I would think a vet trip is necessary.
how old is she?
could it be a catarac? my little dog wich is almost 13 has cataracs in both eyes and they look clowdy and hazy, and slightly blue.. but i have no idea if hedgies can get them or not.
I can definitely see the difference. It kinda looks like what we call a cataract in humans, so it's possible she has reduced vision or is blind in that eye (which, from what I have read, really isn't a big deal in hedgehogs). Or maybe an infection? Hopefully another member with more experience in this area will weigh in, because I'm really not sure. Like HK said, I would take her to the vet just to be sure. Hope everything's fine!

ETA: I didn't see Vortex's comment about the cataracts before I posted!
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Cataracts is a def. possibility. I actually work at an eye doctor's office so I might bring her by to have one of our doctors see. [He diagnosed blindness in one of my coworkers puppies a few weeks ago]

She's pretty young. Probably only a few months old.
She doesn't seem terribly affected by it. So hopefully she'll be okay :]
The blue around the eyes is perfectly normal. Every hedgie I have had with black eyes have looked blue. I have seen others in pictures with "blue" eyes. Now if the "blue" covers the entire eye and not just around it than I would think something is wrong. Maybe a better picture for the second eye.