this is all good advice other than the fact that labeling laws are also different and there is a possibility that the information is not available. not trying to knock the wind out of anyone's sails just point out some of the difficulties of giving advice when the person lives in another country.
that being said, to check sites of the manufacturers and/or labels (if available) is great advice.
diva chins - all chins (not just pet store chins) CAN develop all sorts of horrible illnesses (genetic, congenital, and other). also, pet store chins in the states are NOT pelting "rejects" and are even less likely to be that in israel where there are no chin ranchers.
by the way peggy, most my post in hebrew is regarding the need for a/c (not an appliance found in every home in israel) where the temperatures routinely go well over 90 degrees and even people who have a/c don't run it all the time since electricity is so expensive...