Something rotted in her mouth

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Southern Kentucky *miles from normal*
I'm going crazy here. My female dog, Mia, will be 3 this year. Not sure any of that matters.

Yesterday her fur smelled HORRIBLE. I had to shampoo her 3 time to get the smell off. This morning, she had to same smell on the top of her head. I got a wash cloth and cleaned her off.
This afternoon, her breath smells likes something crawled in her mouth, died and rotted all in the same moment. It is horrible.

She has never had an issue with bad breath before so I think she has gotten into something, but can't figure out what.

Anyone know of anything I can give her to help with the smell?
Bon, has she gone in to get her teeth checked lately? Chi's in particular, it seems, need regular cleanings which would be partially responsible for bad breath. Could she have found something dead? She could have rolled around in something, and god forbid, eaten something rotten.
dogs can also get gingivitis and that is really really smelly too
I would be worried about teeth. She could have an infection and it is getting on her fur through the saliva. Like Jenn asked, when is the last time she went in to the vet for a dental?
We just went through this with Muffin, our 12 year old baby. She had an infected tooth and went in for dental surgery to have them cleaned and a couple extracted. Her breath was stinky and it did make the fur around her head smell also.
One of our dogs had a terrible smell on his fur and breath. One day I was watching him he would grab snails off the wall and roll on top of them. I was thinking no way can it be the snails making that smell.
Last fall I took my Bear to the vet for a broken tooth and he had very smelly breath. When they cleaned his teeth and extracted the broken tooth and a loose tooth in the back his breath cleared up instantly like magic.

It could be a tooth problem, those infected teeth can really make a dog's mouth smell. Also, parts of the mouth can accumulate food, fur and other stuff that can be removed with a tooth cleaning.

If she did eat something rotten, her breath should get better soon. I hope that's all it is!
She had her teeth checked about 2 months ago.

We live in the middle of no where surrounded by woods, she couldn't have gotten a hold of something rotten or dead for all I know. I just wouldn't expect it from her, my other two I would completely expect it from.
I have a small chihuahua missing most of his teeth, he's very prissy. Yet somehow he ends up eating all sorts of rot and I have to watch him like a hawk.

Do you think she could have gotten a hold of a dead skunk? Our neighbor's dog did just that and her head smelled for weeks.

I hope she stops smelling soon! IT would be awful if this drug out for a long time...
It could be a abcessed tooth. We just had to do a dental on a cat with a abcessed molar. There was not swelling or lack of eating, but the smell was what tipped off the owners. I would definetly see about getting her teeth looked at. In older dogs, bad breath can also be a sign of kidney issues or diabetes.
I was off work today and was watching her without her knowing I was.

I let her outside with the other dogs like I normally do (we live a ways from the road so no worries about other people or them getting in the road). Gave them a few minutes and called for them. The other 4 came to me but she didn't. I started walking around and the younger 2 male dogs (the 2 I would except it from) ran down by my dads building. I walked down there and heard something walking through the wood so I said her name...continued to hear something walking through the woods...out she comes slowly knowing she was in trouble.

Me and Dad walked through the woods but can't find whatever it is she is eating. We aren't even sure which direction she went once in the woods or how far she was going.
Now she is harnessed up and being took out on a leash when its time to go potty. Maybe she'll learn to...
1.) Stay out of the wood (I don't let them in the woods...for no reason. To many cliffs and other animals)
2.) Stop eating rotten nasty whatever...she isn't starved and as no reason for eating it.