something is wrong with eye!!!

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beige chin

<3~Glory & Carmela~<3
Jun 11, 2012
spartanburg, south carolina
I just noted it tonight, There is something wrong with one of glory's eyes. It is swollen and the pupil looks dull. I can see the skin from the inside of the bottom eyelid on the eye all the time. There is no cataract and the eye is not watering. There are no cuts/scratches that I can see.
I wonder if she may be blind in the eye (that's the only reason I can think for the dullness)?
It isnt bothering her (yet).
I'm no expert by any means,but my first thought as a RN(ex-RN) is tooth/abcess/tumor causing increased pressure from within the skull forcing eye protrusion.Only other thing I can think that would cause it would be a blow to the head/trauma and I think you would be aware of anything like that happening.Chinchilla specialty vet ASAP for the poor baby regardless of cause for it.She needs treatment/pain control/protection and lubrication of eye if she is unable to close the lid completely over her eye and/or possibly surgical removal of the eye depending on cause of problem.If you need vet recommendations for SC there are several breeders,rescuers that I am sure can point you toward one.Closest one that I know near Pineville/Fort Mill SC area is Dr. Joe Bonacquisti of Providence Veterinary Clinic.I have (thank God )never had to actually use/see him with my chins but was given his name by a respected breeder.All of my chins are registered at his clinic just in case.What impressed me most was that almost an hour after calling his office just to get my first chins registered with his clinic,He called me just to make sure that everyone was okay that I didn't need any emergency help with them.He was blown away by me taking the time to register/start files on my chins just in case they needed to be seen! That he responded to my simple call to his office combined with a reputable recommendation from a breeder that I met through going to a chin show put him first on my list.
yea, i was worried about if it may be because of her teeth but she has been eating and drinking more normally lately. I will defiantly look into taking her to a vet but I just wanted to know what people on the forum say, if anybody has seen this in their chin(s). Is there anything that I can do for her before i can get an appointment with the vet?
Although she is eating and drinking normally it may not mean much when a chin has dental disease. As stated there can be cause from abstract, over grown root, points from the tooth going into the check. All those can cause pressure affecting the eyes. I have a malo chin here, eats, drinks, sprays and acts like a perfectly normal chin until you see her xrays. She's been getting filing on molars and the front fangs, however I'll be very lucky if the root drops to ease the pressure. So the problem is always going to be there. Please do get xrays done to see how bad it is.
ok. I will get her to a vet ASAP. Her eye has gotten MUCH worse since last night. She is defanantly blind in it now and im almost certain that it is pushed out of its socket.:cry3:
Is there anything that I can give her for the pain? Or to make the swelling go down?
I was thinking about giving her children's asprin. And I have a friend that said Amoxicillin might help. I just don't know what dose to give her. And I don't know if she can have ether one, I don't want to make her sick on top of the rest of her problems.:tantrum:
She needs a vet now. No, she cannot have childrens aspirin or amoxicillin. You cannot get vet advice nor pain medication from members of this forum. She needs to be taken to an emergency vet tonight since you did not take her today. You cannot imagine the amount of pain that she must be in, do her a favor and get her to a vet.
This sounds strangely similar to a case I saw with a dog just last week- the dog had a very painful eye and had a sudden onset of swelling, cloudiness in the eye, and was blind within a day.He had a fungal infection called blastomycosis. I have only seen in it dogs and I know humans can get it, so I don't see why it couldn't infect chinchillas. Early detection and treatment is critical as this is a highly deadly infection. Not saying this is what it is, but it is extremely important to get her to a vet for the very reason that it could be something dangerous.

You do not want to self treat. You should not give aspirin (it is toxic to some animals), and you should not start throwing medications & antibiotics at something that you don't even have a diagnosis on. It can actually make matters worse rather than better.

Please get this chinchilla to a vet, it is cruel to make her suffer.
Pain for chins really should not be treated with home meds. Dosage can be off and chemical reaction may be toxic as Stacie said.
Only way to ease the pain and find out what's really causing the issue is to bring your chin to an emergency vet now. If it's a money issue, try credit care or some vets will work with you on a payment plan.
Good luck