Something is not right with my Cherry :( (x-rays included)

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Its okay...just try to relax. You are doing what you can ...if the choking sneezing becomes more frequent tonight I would say go to an E vet but I think calling in the A.M. is alright for now. Just talk to her and keep her distracted ...your a good mommy

Well, luckily, I have not heard her sneeze anymore since I posted that earlier. But, she was sneezing an awful lot last night and this morning, and I still am not sure why. Her choking has also decreased, she only did it 3 or 4 times today (this may be because of the pain meds, though?). It's so awful when she does it though. :( Thank you so much for the kind words. I am trying my best for her.
She just ate a cecotrope swiped the mouth and then made the motion, I see that with malo chins or dental chins, that exact motion-more so when a malo chin is near a filing, or a dental chin who has a rotton tooth-its when what they are eating hits a sore spot-either soft tissue or sore tooth. Could be throat also, something close to the oral cavity is causing pain. The thickend cecum I still think is unrelated to the motion you are seeing-its not gut pain in the video in my experience, its oral or close to oral.
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Yeah, I'm thinking it's oral now too. :(

I called the vet yesterday morning and was told I'd receive a call back from the vet (which is actually a different vet that saw her last week, and he sounds much more knowledgeable). Well, I never heard back from him until last night. He said he examined her x-rays and thought about her additional symptoms (the sneezing and rubbing her face), and he wants to do additional x-rays of her skull. Her appointment is in 40 minutes, but I just thought I'd update real quick about what was going on.

Oh, and on top of this, her left eye is now watering. :( I know this can be a sure sign of malo, could the sneezing be as well (which has increased)? I guess I'll find out soon. I'll update when I get back.
So, I didn't get the answers I thought I was going to today. :( He took the x-rays of her skull, and said he doesn't see any signs of malocclusion. The only thing he spotted on the x-ray (which was also apparent as I stated earlier) is that she has a lot of fluid in her left eye. He said he doesn't see anything in her nose, so he's not sure why she's sneezing. He also took a thorough look in her mouth (without sedation) and said he didn't see any lesions or food stuck in there. He prescribed her some eye drops and said that maybe I'll see some sort of improvement. I honestly don't see how treating her eyes is going to fix everything, but he wants to try this before having to put her under for a more thorough examination of her mouth. He seems really hesitant about that... He scheduled me an appointment for 2 weeks from now and told me to bring her back in sooner if she gets worse, and he'll go ahead and do the more thorough oral examination. This is just terrible, I keep thinking we'll get answers, and each time I leave more upset and frustrated that they can't find out what's wrong with her.

Here are the x-rays that were taken this morning. I figured out how to enlarge them! I could also get larger versions now of the other x-rays if you wanted.


So, Cherry seems to be doing a little better in the sense that she's barely doing those motions anymore. She's done it only once a day for the last 2-3 days. The only thing is she's still sneezing, though not as much. Her eye is still bothered as well (though no more discharge!), but it's only been 2 days since the eye meds started, so I'm hoping I'll see her eye getting better as well. And another good thing is she completely shredded a willow ball! :)) She wouldn't do anything but just a nibble before, and she's always torn into them. I took that as a good sign as well.

Does anyone have any more ideas of what this could be? Her x-rays all look good (except for her cecum that I'm still concerned about), and the vet just can't seem to pin point what it is? I mean, she does seem to be improving?