Some odd behaviors?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2013
I got my chinchilla about a week ago now, he is 2 months (and a week) old.

He's extremely friendly and warmed up to me much quicker than I would have expected. He let me scoop him up no problem today. But I have a couple of questions!

1. How much timothy hay should he be consuming? When I handfeed him pieces, he'll eat them (unless he drops them). He is drinking plenty of water and I see him eat his alfalfa pellets frequently. I refill both of these things at least every other day (the water to avoid contamination), but I haven't had to resupply the hay just yet. Is it because he's so young? I placed loose hay in the cage in case he was having difficulty accessing it from the hay box (but I doubt that, since he jumps on top of it all the time), and he seemed to mostly just burrow with it.

2. Should I be worried about him pawing at his mouth? He's done this since he's got here and at first I thought he had a skin tag on his lip area, but I don't see it anymore. He does not act in any way to be sick -- he bounces around like crazy, his eyes appear normal, his fur is fine, his noises are fine. Is it a weird tick of his?

3. Is it normal for him to chew the bars of his cage? Vyxxin gave me a grapewood toy when I picked him up and most of the bark is gone from one of the big pieces, he's chewed through a stick of pine, and more. Does he just want out? He is an extremely eager, adventurous little fellow and *has* jumped over my arm and out of his cage before I immediately placed him back. He always is looking to get out and cannot stand being put in his carrier when I clean his cage. Is it possible that he's already chewing the bars because he wants out?

2 & 3 just have me concerned that he has a tooth issue, but when I pet under his chin I don't immediately see anything. Should I try to get him to let me open up his mouth? Or is everything probably fine and he's just a little odd/outgoing?

As I say this, he's doing laps around his cage.

Thank you!
(these are my personal opinions. I'm no breeder but

1. Don't worry about the amount he's eating, unless he's not eating at all. Chinchillas will NEVER eat all the hay you put in their cage. They're really picky on stuff, so I hope you don't get your feelings hurt if he doesn't eat every little piece you put in there. As far as hay boxes go, I don't really use them, I just put a handful in a couple corners of the cage, mainly so my two boys (whom i've just started housing together) don't have to be in one spot to eat. One can eat on the top, one on the bottom!)

2) How often is he doing it? If his eyes seem normal and there's no drool, i wouldn't be too worried about it. Sometimes my older chinchilla will look like he's punching himself in the face, but he's really combing his whiskers.( <----random video i snagged off youtube to demonstrate what I'm trying to explain.)

3) when I first got my older chin, he used to bite on the cage and pull on it. It does mean that they want to come out, but don't take him out every time he does it, because then he's going to think that he HAS to do that to get out of his cage. I just ignored it when mine would do it, and he only did it for a couple months. It could also be because he's not completely used to the area yet or something like that. You should look in to some of the people that sell wood/toys on this website! I buy from Susan (AZChins) and her stuff is always top quality and my guys love it :) The hay cubes are awesome too! I wouldn't substitute them for loose timothy though because they need it (something about the mouth movements when eating hay as opposed to eating the cubes, different motions from what I recall)

All in all, I wouldn't be worried at all. As your chins time in your household progresses, he won't be pulling on the cage so much. My guys actually sleep for about 70% of the day, then they're awake all night. They get in to their own little schedules after a little bit :) Try putting a little bit of loose hay on one of his ledges or something! See how that works out for you :) Have fun!
I was just concerned since I *think* he's eating it, because he does throw it all around, and will eat some of it (sometimes) when I hand him a piece. But it doesn't seem to be a significant amount, I rarely if ever have to refill it. I'm going to try removing the haybox and putting bunches of hay on a ledge (since he just burrowed and buried in it when it was in his house). Maybe get a half a toilet paper roll and try that, too. Thank you!

He *is* very particular about his whiskers... He doesn't do it all the time, but it was enough that I noticed it (and as an over-concerned new chinnie mom, I got worried). It looks like he must do what the chinchilla does in the video, just one-pawed instead. He is kind of a weirdo, so!

I just thought it was strange that he was already trying to get out, so early on in this household and when he's so young! He is almost impossible to keep contained when I clean his cage. He's stopped the bar chewing a day or two ago, so I think he was just getting more curious. But he still squeezes his face between the bars, among other things.

He's got a decent amount of toys right now! I have a variety for him just to see what he likes best, and he doesn't seem to care at all for the three ring toss that I have... I'm going to try messing with it, maybe separate the rings, to see if he'll play with it more. I think it's chinchilla cage fun time tonight~!
If they pee on the hay or its near a pee spot they wont eat it, Id just put a bit of fresh hay in the cage each day, and clean out the old stuff every few days. If you are throwing out too much just add smaller amounts. Chewing on the cage is normal, it can be because he wants out or he just likes the feel of the bars. Chins like to explore, and chew, new things but as long as his cage has room he wont suffer from the lack.

Glad you got such a friendly little treasure! Have fun.