Some concerns...

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Hi everyone.
I have a 6 1/2 year old male and I have some concerns about him right now. He seems to have a little bit of crustiness under his one eye. Nothing severe, but noticeable nonetheless. Two other things...Not now, but I noticed a few months back that he was drooling a little bit. I've read that this could be because his teeth are too long? I give him so many toys and all that, and he is so picky. He would never touch the pumice blocks or whatever they are, and I'm sure that's what he could use right now. However, I haven't noticed the drooling in a while, and it was pretty brief. The last concern I have is he is shedding far more than normal. No bald spots or anything like that, just an unusual amount of fur being left everywhere. I wasn't too worried about this because he went through a period of a few months 2 or 3 years ago where the same thing happened, and then it stopped.

He acts totally normal. He is energetic (Not like he was when he was very young, but certainly active enough), eats and drinks normally, normal poop and pee, everything. I have ALWAYS taken care of him just how he should be taken care of. I don't overdue the treats. In fact, I really only give him plain oats and Tasty Twigs. Nothing sugary. I give him purified water, fresh food and hay regularly, and I pretty much coddle him by talking to him constantly and so on. I love him to death.

Do you think there is something going on I need to worry about? The problem is right now, I just finished a pretty lengthy health treatment that has kept me out of work, and I don't have the money to spend on vet bills. Not to mention, the closest vet that treats chinchillas is about an hour and a half away. Like I said, his behavior and overall health are good, I'm just a little worried about the crustiness. And if he wont touch the pumice, what do you recommend I give him to file his teeth efficiently?

Thank you so much. Sorry this was so lengthy.