Soiled Chin

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
South Florida
I recently had to go home from school and brought Koda with me because I could not find a trustworthy and reliable sitter on such short notice. Anyways, in her carrier she of course used the bathroom and she now has pee on her tummy matted into her fur. I've never had her do this before so I am wondering what is the best way to clean her. Thanks for the help.
Use unscented baby wipes to "wash" off her stomach. Make sure to not soak the fur and to have it very dry after you are done. If you need to use a little wetter cloth etc., take a hair dryer on the "cold" setting (as to not over heat them) and make sure the roots of the fur are not still wet to avoid fungus growing

Good luck!
Thanks for the help! I burritoed her and cleaned her up and then blew her dry on a cool low setting. She was a very good girl through the whole (it was the first time I had to burrito her). Thanks again!!