Softer poos..

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Dec 4, 2009
Indianapolis Area
Quando's poos aren't like normal, but they aren't exactly soft either. I just go home a few hours ago and his poops seem to have gotten fatter, shorter, and a little more moist. He gnawed on some cardboard last night, could that have been it? He's jumping around as normal, playing. I noticed his is a little clumsy when he jumps, but I thought that was normal. He seems to be chewing alot, but he is a chin after all...
Please tell me he's fine...
It's probably completely normal and nothing at all to worry about. If I recall, this little guy of yours is still pretty young. As some chins get into the three to five month age range their food intake will change. This doesn't necessarily lead to diarrhea, but the droppings can look a little different as the chin eats more or even changes the proportion of pellets to hay in the diet, etc.

Right now, I wouldn't worry. Keep an eye on it though. Of course, wash your waterbottle a couple times a week and offer good hay.

He'll probably be just him closely, but you do that anyway. :) Has he always been a clumsy jumper?
Thanks for your advice, I gave him like 1/4th of a shreddie just in case though.
And I think he has been a clumsy jumper, but tonight I think he was just a little excited after his bath and he was just popcorning and hopping all about my bathroom... (o^^o)
His poos have gotten softer and alot less frequent. Last night they were soft, but there was alot of them, now we've had a few very small, and easily squished between my fingers. They also seem to for a few little ones to come out at a time. He still seems to be very active and jumping and running around. Help please.