Soft poops.

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
I came home tonight to find LARGE black, shinny squishy poops all over the cage. They stick to the wheel or shelf if you press on them. He seems to be normal other wise. Eating, drinking, chewing his toys etc. But I know chins are notorious for hiding things.Should this be something I should bring him to the vets for? What should I do? I'm worried.
Have you changed anything lately? New food, different water, new treats? Anything new to the enviroment that you can think of? Any of these could cause poo like that.
Hi thanks for writting. Nope, I have not changed a thing. He has been on his oxbow pellets for months now, haven't changed that. I have not changed the hay at all. His water bottle is only 3 days old and filtered water same water. He gets about 1 raisin per week if that and he gets a shredded mini wheat everyday as a healthy snack. He is eating , drinking, playing, etc. normally but I know they are great at hiding illnesses. Should I worry?
As long as the are still fairly solid I wouldn't worry just yet. If they get real squishy to where they are slimy and smearing. Then I would worry. Try giving him a small burnt piece of toast (like the size of a shreaded wheat) and pick up some Acidophilus tablets. Monitor his poo.

I have had our chins poo get large once in a while. But within a day or so it settles back down. If it doesn't go away, or gets worse, you should take him to the vet.

p.s. I would cut out the raisins. We used to feed them too,and they loved them, but they have alot of sugar in them and can upset their stomachs. We now give them some pieces of crushed rose hips, and they go just as nuts over those, and they are alot healthier too.
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well they are solid but if he steps on one or i press on it lightly they do flatten. Also, I smeared one and smelled it and it did have an odor to it. Should I get a poop tested for parasites?
well they are solid but if he steps on one or i press on it lightly they do flatten. Also, I smeared one and smelled it and it did have an odor to it. Should I get a poop tested for parasites?

It might be a good idea to have it tested for giardia and what not. Some vets won't do it without bringing in the chin. If you don't have to bring the chin in, try to get the freshest poo you can find :)hmm: fresh poo, sounds funny) if it isn't fresh enough I don't think the test works as well.
yeah, I think thats the best option. I hate to take him to the vet, we've had alot of bad experiences there! 2 amputations and lots of infections. But what has to be done, has to be done. What are the symptoms of giarida? Does it come on suddenly or progress slowly? Did I miss any warning signs if it is giarida? How's it treated?