So why are all of you night owls up?

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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Like the thread title says. :p I know some of you are way earlier than I am (1:49am), but even then, why are you still awake?

I'm at work, which is plenty boring, so of course I am here. :D
Hellllloooooo 3rd shifter and loving it!!!! I'm always up during the wee hours of the night LOL! I went to work days for a month and it was AWFUL! I felt exhausted every day I came home from work. On 3rd I have time to chat on CnH--expand my wonderful Cafe on Cafe World via Facebook (and yes I will regain my number 2 status Jenn and you know who you are! LOL) and still get to work refreshed and ready to go!

I love being a night owl!
Haha. I know how you feel with working days. Unfortunately my job feels the need to work me 3 days on nights and two on days. It sucks.
Im "swing" shift.. 5pm-2am sometimes Ive needed to work until 6am. So Im always up! I actually just got home from work about 20 min ago and its 5:10am. I prefer it like this. Most people get home from work and feed the husband and kids and rish to the store before everything closes etc. I come home tend to the house while waiting for the stores to open then I run all my errands first thing in the morning while the stores are empty and I come home and sleep right before work and Im so refreshed.
The sun actually hurts my eyes so I tend to do more stuff at night. I'll take maybe a 2-3 hour nap get up at 6 or 8 am do stuff like class and banking and "normal people" hour stuff in the morning. Go back to bed at noon and get back up some where around 6-8. My Chinchillas Love it! They think I'm one of them.

I have super light sensitive eyes. If I could I wouldn't go out during daylight and days when sun is reflecting off snow is like ****. So me and my sun glass are like best buddies.
Laurie, you talkin to me? Just killing time. Trying to figure out how I want to make my tray liners. My living room floor is covered in fleece. I've never used my sewing machine before. Got it on Craig's list almost a year ago and still haven't run it. Last time I used a machine was oh… 15 years ago lol. I'm wondering if it will handle 5 layers of fleece. Maybe I should get a bigger needle? Going to try to complete at least one tomorrow. Also, debating on whether to go to the farmers market and buy another 6’ piece of cholla, or buy some scrap packs from Barbi. I believe I PMed her yesterday, but I don’t see the PM in my messages as sent.
lol. Well it's 3 layers to cover the floor, with 2 sets of tabs that are doubled over. Kinda dificult to explain. When I finish I'll post some pics. They'll do a better job of showing what I'm talking about than me trying to explain. If they turn out like I want, I might try to sell a few to recoup the cost of the vet bills from my last chinnies surgery.
Ahhh. I didn't think about the tabs. I usually throw some grommets in the corners and just attach it with j-clips so I don't have to deal with it. :p
I'm trying to make them with out metal so they are less noisy. I'm also still using the plastic pans that came with my FN142. What type of cage do you have? Grommets would be easier, but don't they rust after a while?
I use a FN 142 as well. I have never had the grommets rust. Most of use grommets on our our hammocks as well. The metal grommets are so tiny that if they did hit against the plastic pan I doubt you would hear anything. Plus, it would be attached to the side of the cage, so I don't think you would hear any noise anyway. Either way would work though. If you would rather do the fleece tabs, go for it. :)
i was just going to bed when you posted last night (this am). i was cleaning my scrapbook area and then went up to take care of the chins. i am always up late.
my mind races at night. of course i am exhausted this am, since i have to get up early get my son to school and go to work!!
Hellllloooooo 3rd shifter and loving it!!!! I'm always up during the wee hours of the night LOL! I went to work days for a month and it was AWFUL! I felt exhausted every day I came home from work. On 3rd I have time to chat on CnH--expand my wonderful Cafe on Cafe World via Facebook (and yes I will regain my number 2 status Jenn and you know who you are! LOL) and still get to work refreshed and ready to go!

I love being a night owl!

Poor Laurie...are you obsessesed with Cafe World? It's a good thing I'm not! :)

My hubby works a rotating schedule so every week it's a different shift. My poor mind and body doesn't know when it is supposed to shut down. This week he works swing and gets home about 1 a.m. We get to bed by 2, and I am up at 7 to get the kids ready for school.
I'm the same as Michelle. My mind races at night as well, too many things going on, but sometimes it's the only time I have for "just" me and what I want to do. Although, last night I was up til 2 a.m. rearranging the chins' cages, once I got going I couldn't stop until it was completely done!
I worked second shift at my last job, so I got into the habit of not getting up until 10 or so, which means I can't actually get to sleep before 2AM at the earliest. Then couple in the stress of a break up, moving, and being unable to find a job and I'm usually awake until 4 or 5AM every day. Unfortunately, the town isn't big enough for a lot of 3rd shift opportunities. :(