So we went to pick up ONE chin and well...

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ok so me and my fiance have been waiting on our new baby Sophie a little pure white girl with pink ears for Kiwi our little baby tan girl to have a friend and well when we got there i fell in love with her little sister and couldnt leave her behind so we took both.
now we have 3 little girls who are goign to be spoiled like crazy!! im so excited!!!
i will post pics on here of our little girls if youd guys would like to see them.
We ended up naming the all white one Sophie and her sister Jazzy.

let me know if i should post pics :)
2 posts is long enough to know that we HAVE to have pics around here!!

That's my kind way of saying "Pictures Please"
Congrats on your new girls. :D They're like potato chips...can't just have one. :p LOL.
They're Beautiful but I'm not surprised......

Hey Little Girls,

I know you will be happy with your new Mom she's the greatest. I couldn't have picked you a better one anywhere.

i put up the new pictures of them. check em out!
You can't have just one, that's for sure! How old are all of they? I just looked at their pics, they are just ADORABLE!!!
jazzy and sophie are sisters, so they are 7 weeks

kiwi is 11 weeks old
the pics are up! they have their own separate threads with their names in the title.
Excellent! I will pretend you didn't ask that question about the pictures, Lol. Besides everyone has already answered it haha. YES, we need pictures. Congrats!