so once you get the bass pans then what?

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Do you go to shavings or is there someone on here who specializes in liners?
Some use shavings, some use liners. It's really up to personal preference. I seem to change up depending on who is in my FN cage at the time. I have a quad in one section at the moment and there's no point in my keeping a liner in their section because I'd have to change it far too often. I just use shavings in their cage, but I go through a lot of shavings just for the one pan. I also have a pair up top that I use liners with. Also, it helps if your chin has been litter trained. Mine on the other hand just pee everywhere.
I use shavings in only one of my cages and that's because they are huge mess makers. The shavings are just easier for me than to clean out their cage everyday. Everyone else has a fleece liner.

For liners I prefer (RCR is her screen name here) and threewingedfury (her screen name here).
I'm actually looking into ceramic tile flooring for my chin cages to help keep them even cooler in the summer. I used shavings in the past and that caused a HUGE mess, since my chins are now in my bedroom with me I cannot have that going on! In one cage right now I have nothing but the bass pan and litter pan with shavings as my girl GiGi digs up the shavings AND tears up any fleece liners in there! She is beastly! I have gotten fleece items from both Tiffany (threewingedfury) and Allison (alli713) and have been happy with both of them!
My cages are all tile floors and shelves and I can't be happier-I just use a pee pan which they use, and a quick wipe in the evening for any accidents.