Well...it's official. Tyson (my boyfriend) got his start date for a job he applied for that's in the middle of nowhere, three hours north of where we live now. We've been together for about three years now and plan on getting married probably after I get my BS (he has a ring for me but is waiting for the perfect moment to propose
). So it's not a question of me moving with him and it hasn't been since we talked about him applying to this company over the summer when he graduated. I've been preparing myself for the move for a while now and we've been living together for the past four or five months but I am insanely nervous!
In moving, I'll be leaving behind my immediate family (my parents moved to CA before having kids which left the rest of my relatives on the east coast and in the midwest) which will be hard because my three siblings and I have gotten very close over the past few months. We've been spending almost all of our free time at one or the other's house and I've gotten closer to them than I've been in the past couple of years because we were all so busy with school. Not to mention we are all trying to spend more time together because my older brother is going to be deployed out of the country next year and it'll be a while before we see him again. Then my younger brother will be going to med school and have no life, lol, and the oldest (my sister) just bought a condo so she'll be occupied with getting that place fixed up. But my family I will see as much as possible and they in turn will visit us. We've always been a close family and no matter where anybody has moved we've kept in contact...it just won't be nearly as much as it is now.
I'll also have to leave my job which is something I'm dreading horribly. I've worked there for close to three years now and I started at the same time as my two coworkers one of which has always been a problem and I've always been close to the other. The problem coworker just quit and the past two weeks have been absolute heaven at work. It's been exactly how I imagined it would be if the trouble maker left. The remaining coworker and I have gotten even closer and the vet has relaxed (the other coworker made a LOT of mistakes) so the office has been a relaxing, comfortable and fun place to be. It's also been the first time this year that the vet and I have been getting along really well...mostly over the past three months. I just don't want to leave because I've been there so long and the office is finally how we wanted it. Not to mention with just Jen(the coworker) and I, we're able to call the shots on what gets done with the office. We want to paint it and such and now I won't be there for it.
On the other hand...I'm so excited to move and finally have a place with Tyson that we can call our own that I can't sit still! He's having his dad build me a chinchilla barn that will be twice the size of my current shed. I'll also not be working and Tyson is going to pitch in with my dad to pay for my last 10 courses at the college I'm attending. I obviously get to keep my two dogs and my two cats. I'm allowed to expand my breeding herd to as much as I can fit in the building as long as I keep it clean. Not to mention we'll be very close to mountains and hiking trails so we can take the dogs for outings up there as often as we want. The cost of living is very cheap so we'll be able to save money which in this economy will make us both very happy. I also have some friends I grew up with that moved out there a couple years ago that I can spend time with. It is also the town where another of my close friends grew up so she visits often to see family and I'll get to see her more than I do at the moment as well.
So I'm super excited about moving at the same time that I'm stressed and nervous. So I'm on a roller coaster of emotions and I can't even handle myself right now, lol. Tyson starts work on October 26th and he'll be moving up there before then to try and find a place for us and because the company is paying for us to move. My last day at the vet office is November 21st and I'll be going up after that date. It's a bit off but so close at the same time!:vomit: I'm losing it...
In moving, I'll be leaving behind my immediate family (my parents moved to CA before having kids which left the rest of my relatives on the east coast and in the midwest) which will be hard because my three siblings and I have gotten very close over the past few months. We've been spending almost all of our free time at one or the other's house and I've gotten closer to them than I've been in the past couple of years because we were all so busy with school. Not to mention we are all trying to spend more time together because my older brother is going to be deployed out of the country next year and it'll be a while before we see him again. Then my younger brother will be going to med school and have no life, lol, and the oldest (my sister) just bought a condo so she'll be occupied with getting that place fixed up. But my family I will see as much as possible and they in turn will visit us. We've always been a close family and no matter where anybody has moved we've kept in contact...it just won't be nearly as much as it is now.
I'll also have to leave my job which is something I'm dreading horribly. I've worked there for close to three years now and I started at the same time as my two coworkers one of which has always been a problem and I've always been close to the other. The problem coworker just quit and the past two weeks have been absolute heaven at work. It's been exactly how I imagined it would be if the trouble maker left. The remaining coworker and I have gotten even closer and the vet has relaxed (the other coworker made a LOT of mistakes) so the office has been a relaxing, comfortable and fun place to be. It's also been the first time this year that the vet and I have been getting along really well...mostly over the past three months. I just don't want to leave because I've been there so long and the office is finally how we wanted it. Not to mention with just Jen(the coworker) and I, we're able to call the shots on what gets done with the office. We want to paint it and such and now I won't be there for it.
On the other hand...I'm so excited to move and finally have a place with Tyson that we can call our own that I can't sit still! He's having his dad build me a chinchilla barn that will be twice the size of my current shed. I'll also not be working and Tyson is going to pitch in with my dad to pay for my last 10 courses at the college I'm attending. I obviously get to keep my two dogs and my two cats. I'm allowed to expand my breeding herd to as much as I can fit in the building as long as I keep it clean. Not to mention we'll be very close to mountains and hiking trails so we can take the dogs for outings up there as often as we want. The cost of living is very cheap so we'll be able to save money which in this economy will make us both very happy. I also have some friends I grew up with that moved out there a couple years ago that I can spend time with. It is also the town where another of my close friends grew up so she visits often to see family and I'll get to see her more than I do at the moment as well.
So I'm super excited about moving at the same time that I'm stressed and nervous. So I'm on a roller coaster of emotions and I can't even handle myself right now, lol. Tyson starts work on October 26th and he'll be moving up there before then to try and find a place for us and because the company is paying for us to move. My last day at the vet office is November 21st and I'll be going up after that date. It's a bit off but so close at the same time!:vomit: I'm losing it...