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Rem (?- November 30, 2009):angelic:

I've been meaning to post some news I've had for a while, but with all that happened with Rem I didn't get the chance. She was such a happy chin-despite everything that she'd gone through-she'd want want everyone to be happy.

Rem will not be sharing the happy holiday season with us, but the boys are still here so I have to focus on them.
Santa, or jeremy's mother, is getting us a Ferret Nation. If the boys are nice we might share it with them ;).
We're not quite sure when Dr. Death was born, but he was my birthday present last year (in December) so for all sakes and purposes I'm going to say we'll celebrate HIS birthday this month...I completely forgot about it because I've been completely out of it so I forgot to get him a gift:err:
Also, for the past 2 nights the boys have been throwing the top of their hut to the floor and peeing on it. So, I'm throwing it out. Now I need to buy a new chin house.

Also. Rem's stuff. What do I do with it? I don't want it, I can't look at it, but I don't want to throw it out....
Focus on the good things like Dr. Death's birthday and Christmas gifts!! If you're not ready to let go of her stuff just pack it away for awhile until you're in the right state of mind to do something with it. If you do get rid of it don't throw it out. Find an chin-rescue or animal shelter you can donate it to. You saved her from a bad situation, hold on to that compassionate spirit. Even though she's gone, her untimely passing could still be used to better the life of another needy animal. Again I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yeah, I was planning on giving it away to any one who needs it, if I can't find any one I'll donate her stuff.

As far as Dr. Death's birthday....O_O what do I get him???
I just ordered a Mountain Ledge from simplychintastic; house down, one gift to go...

on another note... I forgot to mention Jeremy and I decided to get camera for Christmas.. his mom works at Best Buy so we used her discount to get a package deal on a digital SLR (it's an AMAZING Camera)...

which means... when everything calms down I'll be going pic crazy with the boys and (fingers crossed) the day I join the FN Club--and posting for all you pic addicted chin owners. :wink2: