So Excited!

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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
I ordered some chews and toys from Susan that arrived at my office today. They are SO cute! I can't wait to get home and hang one in Shelly's cage. Susan I have to thank you. These were SO much more than I was expecting. Thank you so much for make these and shipping them out so fast. :thanks10:

Here is my little beggar girl

Her new toys that I am SO excited to put in her cage.
Yay! Those are adorable! I TOLD you Susan was awesome :neener: She goes above and beyond and my chinnies love her pecan!
Are you kidding? Thank you for letting me make them. I got to make toys in green and hot pink - THAT is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

The pecan dyed up pretty nice...I love the pink...

I'm so glad that you liked them! That makes me all giggly to think about. :D YAYZ!!! :D
I LOVE THEM! Now this work day needs to end so I can go home and play with Shell. The pecan looks great too. Thank you again for such an amazing job.
I still love my pink Valentines Day chews from Susan (good thing the boys have no idea they have so many girly colors around them). :)
Those are too cute and so is Shelly! :D Susan, can you do navy blue and orange? My boys are not too thrilled with pink. :p
"Forced"??!! LOL Yeah, poor boys, they are set for a while on the pink chews :D But they love them.
I love waking up and seeing pink and green confetti all over the cage.
I can make navy and orange...those would go well together. :D I like orange, it's my second favorite color (I think.)

The chins don't really care about the color at all...we just like seeing the confetti as the toys are demolished by the chins.
Of course blue and orange go well together :D! It's the Chicago Bears colors!! I will be pm'ing you Susan :thumbsup: Oh and my boys do care what color since they are now in the basement next to the family room with the big screen tv. They have already been watching all the Bears' preseason games, LOL!