Snotty Chin

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jan 18, 2012
Jasper, AL
I've been gone for most of the day running around getting things done... when I got home I noticed our new chin has a really snotty nose and is having a little difficulty breathing through the crud...

Is there anything I can do for him tonight until I can get him to the vet in the morning?

worried :(
URI (Upper Respiratory Infections) can be extremely serious in chinchillas and are often fatal if not treated quickly. Did you get your chinchilla from a breeder and if so, can they recommend a good exotics vet in your area? I would not wait until morning, your chin should be seen asap.
Pet store. There is nowhere to go tonight :(

If anybody sees this that lives in the Bham Al area and can treat him tonight please respond! Vet techs... breeders... anybody that knows what they are doing!
If he has an URI (which with a "snotty nose and difficulty breathing", it sounds like he does), he needs antibiotics, which means he needs to be seen by a vet. No one on this forum can treat him for you. Are there any any emergency vets in your area?

You can use the search button to see how many times members have dealt with URI's and their chins on this forum - all have needed to be treated by a veterinarian I am sorry to say. If you can't find one tonight, then I would get him in to see one first thing in the morning. Hopefully he will be okay.
I don't know if you've called but a google search brought me to this out. If I were you, I would start with google or open your yellow pages and start calling vets. You need a vet now.

Animal Medical Center
2864 Acton Rd
Birmingham, AL 35243

Main: 205-967-7389
Fax: 205-967-9184

Here is a thread with a listing of vets in your area.
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I did search and I saw that a lot of people have stuff on hand to treat URI.

I used to work as a vet tech but I never ONCE saw a chinchilla... at least I have a good idea of where to take him in the area. I know that some vets won't see them at all :(

No emergency vets even close to here... I'm going to take him to work with me in the morning and run him over to the vet as soon as they open. His lil nose is so crusty and he doesn't want me to clean it :(
The website for Riverview Animal Clinic listed these two locations for after hours vets.

•Emergency and Specialty Animal Medical Center on Acton Road

•Alabama Veterinary Specialists on Morgan Road in Bessemer

You really should call them. URI's are deadly and your chin may not survive the night.
Most of the people that you see on this forum that have the antibiotic on hand are either larger breeders or rescues that have a very close working relationship with their vet. They typically use the antibiotic under the direction of the vet after they have established strict parameters of when it is to be given and have a clear understanding of dosing instructions. Typically the vet is made aware that they are using the medication and for what reason. Occasionally you will see an owner that will have some medication left over as well and use it but that is generally not advocated.

How long have you had your chinchilla? If he was acquired recently and gotten from a petstore he more than likely was sick when you got him. If you have others chinchillas, I would separate them immediately as URI's are highly contagious amongst chinchillas.
He's doing good today. We just got back from the vet. I was able to go to a local guy that has a good working relationship with Riverview. He called Dr Atlas there and talked about my little guy and Dr Atlas gave us a lot of information and told us what to do. He is doing pretty good overall. He is eating and drinking and moderately active (still getting used to his new home). Wrapping him in a small towel to clean his nose actually works really well and he hasn't been giving me too much trouble. He recommended a baytril combo that is being compounded now.

We called the pet store this morning and they told me to bring him in and trade him. :(
It has only been four days but I can't let him go back there to die...

Is there a way for me to determine how old he is?
I am glad that he is doing better and that you have medication for him.

Baytril often makes them lose their appetite so you may want to be prepared to handfeed him in case he goes off of his feed.

Critical Care is often recommended for handfeeding in this instance but in a pinch, grinding up pellets and mixing with water will work as well. Critical Care is sold through most veterinarians and can also be purchased through several vendors on this site (Wee Companions comes to mind offhand).