Snoring Suggestions Anyone?

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For me..not my
I snore like a bear..I do not have apnea or anything bad..just plain old "super loud" snoring. It is really putting a damper on our sleeping arrangements.
I have tried, nose clips, nose strips, and throat spray. I have even changed my late night diet, because I was told certain things trigger it worse. He has tried ear-plugs and is half deaf in one ear and still hears me.
He is saying he cannot sleep at night, and I just realized either am I, because every 15 minutes or so he is knocking me, or tapping my legs or something to make me stop and it wakes me up. So all night long...I am waking up...I am losing my mind.:hair:
Any suggestions..short of sleeping in seperate rooms?:thinking:
I believe there is a mask that you can wear while you sleep that greatly reduces your snoring...but that may be a bit bothersome to wear. Also, the more you weigh, the more you will snore. So, if loosing a few lbs wouldn't hurt, that could really help too :)
Check with a doctor to make sure you're not dealing with allergies, a deviated septum etc, but you could also look into a posture-correcting pillow that'll hold your neck more stretched (and yet are surprisingly comfortable). My boyfriend's was made by Sleep Innovations.
I believe there is a mask that you can wear while you sleep that greatly reduces your snoring...but that may be a bit bothersome to wear. Also, the more you weigh, the more you will snore. So, if loosing a few lbs wouldn't hurt, that could really help too :)
I thought that about the weight thing also..I just finished losing 55 lbs and I swear I think I snore more!:hmmm:
I agree with the advice to see an ear/nose/throat doc. I used to have the same problem, in addition to sleep apnea. I couldn't tolerate the CPAP mask though, so the ENT doc did a UPPP outpatient surgery - involves removing the uvula (that dangling thing at the back of the throat), tonsils and part of the soft palate to make the airway bigger. I snore "normal" now - like if I have a cold, but that's about it. The pain from the UPPP (also called UP3) was about like the worst sore throat ever for about a week.
Thanks for all the advice..I will definitely make an appt with an ENT.
Thanks for the "congrats" Veronica! :)
Kerrie I have no suggestions for you, but I just wanted to say you are not alone! Talk to eroomlorac my dear, sweet friend!!!
Kerrie I have no suggestions for you, but I just wanted to say you are not alone! Talk to eroomlorac my dear, sweet friend!!!

WHAT!!? I don't snore. And anyway, even if I did, I could say that Laurie quits breathing when she sleeps so you think she's DEAD!! Not a peep out of her, not even any breathing sounds.
Check out sleep apnea (sp) you may need a machine to sleep with at night, both I and my bf have one. I'm still adjusting to mine but my bf has had his for years and loves it!

Good Luck
From another snoring bear!!
My husband snores pretty bad and I am a very light sleeper. He uses those nose strips, the clear ones work best, they are more sticky for some reason than the tan colored ones. He also uses that no snore spray- it tastes bad but works! With those two things we are ok, I have to push him a few times a night to roll over, but other than that, it is much better. We tried that pure sleep mouth piece from tv, but it did not work at all.
I have to do the leg tap (or shoulder shove) thing a few times a night. Mucinex helps him. So did a new mattress.

I used to snore horribly. I still do if I am sick or have alcohol in me. I wish I could be of more help, it is a horrible thing to deal with!
My sister's ex-husband was a horrible snorer and what worked for her was white noise. She said to recommend sleeping with white noise, tv or fan on. She would focus on that and then she didn't even hear her ex-husband's sleeping. Would this be something your fiance could do?
See an ENT. You should also try nasal/sinus irrigation, it can work wonders.
When I was younger I had my adenoids removed because I snored so loud. But that didn't work; I still snore loud. I must visit an ent specialist!
:thanks4:Thank-you all for your suggestions. It is nice to see that I am not
My next step is to try the "pillow" suggestion..then my final step will be the ENT.
Lan63...I wish the "white noise" suggestion would work. I love falling asleep with the tv on, but Phil unfortunatly needs to have it pitch black and no sound, in order to fall asleep. After our talk the other night about him "bumping" me to stop my snoring and my lack of sleep due to this he has stopped. In fact I just found out the last couple of days, he is sleeping on the couch a few hours during the night and then coming back to bed in the early hours so I didn't know he was gone. He is willing to try "industrial" ear an eye mask next. This should be a sight because my guy is a very big, bald, biker who will be mortified if his "brothers" found out he was wearing an "eye" And for the size of him...he makes these cute little baby bird chirp sounds when he sleeps. Pisses me off!:rofl:
I find that a good elbow to the ribs cures the problem for a couple of hours :biglaugh: he doesn't seem to mind when I do that... strange.

No, seriously though. I find that he only snores when he's laying on his back!
If he's on his side, I don't hear a peep out of him!