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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
I have had my two boys for almost a year now and never heard them sneeze. Over the last fews days I have heard one sneeze two times. Im wondering how common this is and since I've never heard them do this before, it concerns me. Thanks.
No I can't hear him. I haven't seen any wetness around the nose but I will inspect him good tonight. Do you think they may be bathing too much? They do bout every other night but I know winter time can make bathing kind of questionable as far as how much. Thanks for the help.
Chinchillas can sneeze due to dust just like us. If his breathing sounds normal and there is no discharge from, the nose, eyes or mouth. He is probably fine. I would keep a close eye on him just in case.
No wetness or anything abnormal. Heard him sneeze again last night. It just puzzles me because I've never heard him do this. Thanks for the advice and please more welcome.
Have you changed their bedding recently? For example, like changing from KD pine to aspen? Or have you changed the brand of bedding?
There could be dust or something in the bedding, maybe resulting from how it was processed or packaged, that is not agreeing with them, an allergy might not be out of the question either. Did you change for a specific reason? Can you change back? The sneezing might settle down in time but the bedding might be aggravating for them.
Its the pets pick from walmart, it says dust freed but im thinking I will go back to tractor trailer supply. The pine shavings have seem to be the most absorbent.