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Sycamore Chins

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Fayetteville, NC
Any gurus out there?

I'm ready to get my first smartphone but unsure where to start. I'm currently with AT&T so that narrows my options down a bit.

The biggest thing I'm wondering is if non-iPhone phones will be at all compatible with my MacBook.
I'd love to be able to bring up my calendar on my phone, I can never remember anything!

What kind of smartphone do you have? What cool features do you LOVE using?

Any info would be much appreciated!
If you want a non-iPhone Blackberry has software that is compatible with Mac computers. As to which one you want, you have to see what you want in a phone and then pick from the ones that ATT offers.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 (Hmm...working on my 5th or 6th BB now). Blackberry has Desktop Software for Mac, though I have always had a PC so can't comment on how it works or anything of the sort. I'd highly suggest reading thru the support forums for Blackberry (searching for Mac) and seeing what others are saying about BB and Mac syncs. My brief search came up with some highly concerning issues, but I'll leave that for you to discover as I'd hate to be talking out of my behind. :) Good luck!
My husband has the BB Curve and has the software for MAC, since we have a MAC and he has had no problems with it. In fact he has more problems with the software for PC than anything.

Personally, I have the HTC Hero since I am with Sprint, but as far as smartphones go, the BB is a good one.
I love my iPhone. I've never had any other smart phone, so I can't attest to my phone being better than the others, but I use it for the Tom-Tom GPS, it also takes great pictures, and there are a lot of cool free (or cheap enough) apps that I use with it - calorie counter/weight loss app, tip calculator, coupon app, grocery list app, cookbook app, and a bartender app.

There is also a neat app called RedLaser. If you're out shopping and come across something you are interested in, but wonder if you can find it cheaper online - hold the barcode up to your phone and it will scan it and tell you the prices of the item where it can find it online.

I also use it when I work out with the Nike + iPod app. There is a sensor you buy to stick in your shoe, and it tracks your workout. It's almost like a pedometer, but better.
I LOVE my Blackberry Storm2. It's the one with the full touch screen. I had a BB Pearl before it and hated the tiny buttons for keys. The touchscreen, as hesitant as I was about it, is so much easier. It's also nice because the screen actually "clicks" like pushing a key on a keyboard, so you know you've pushed a button or not, unlike other touchscreens.

I sync my phone and Outlook every day to keep track of my appointments for work. It is truly a lifesaver. I actually spend this past weekend without it because I got it wet and had to have a new one sent, and I was lost without email and calendar and alarm clock and timers....etc etc etc.

I don't have a mac, but as for the phone itself, I really couldn't be happier.
I love my iPhone. I've never had any other smart phone, so I can't attest to my phone being better than the others, but I use it for the Tom-Tom GPS, it also takes great pictures, and there are a lot of cool free (or cheap enough) apps that I use with it - calorie counter/weight loss app, tip calculator, coupon app, grocery list app, cookbook app, and a bartender app.

There is also a neat app called RedLaser. If you're out shopping and come across something you are interested in, but wonder if you can find it cheaper online - hold the barcode up to your phone and it will scan it and tell you the prices of the item where it can find it online.

I have all these apps for my BB and they were all free. :tease:

Not to talk badly about one phone or another but just about every app the iPhone has the BBs have and the Androids are coming out with just about as many too. And from what I understand about the android apps, 95% of them are free. Most of BBs are free too.
I've had both the iPhone and the BB Bold for work purposes.

BB Bold (newest and older version)
BB will auto answer a call/email when you pull it out of the holster.

Like: It's smaller than the iphone, has all data displayed on front.

Cons: It sucks as an actual phone, answering voicemail is a three button joke and configuring them sucks. Also, they cost more as a business phone as you have to pay for the server.


Pros: It's like a mac, easy to configure, browse, and is a fun toy. I found it easier to make calls on, but also had problems with my ear accidentally hanging up on people. Used old and 3GS versions.

Like: The map feature and the easy to use OS.

Cons: Not as friendly as the BB for answering new email. You have to back out of whatever app you're in then look at it.

For business the BB still wins, but for everyday use I'm finally going to take the plunge and get an iPhone. These are two very different phones, one is a touch and the other uses a (very microscopic) keypad.

It is actually easier for me to type on the BB, no mistakes like the Iphone.

I'd like to try the android.
Thanks everyone for the info. I've been seriously looking at the Motorola Backflip because it's the first Android phone available through AT&T and I am extremely pleased with it's capabilities that I've experienced with my Nook eBook reader.

The ability to marry my phone and computer is definitely the deciding factor in all this.
I have a BB curve.
A dumb smart phone as I have none of it's "smarts" hooked up. Just unlimited texting and I was stunned to learn a month ago that AT&T gives picture messaging with unlimited texting.
As I've said, my smart phone isn't smart, I'm still sporting Edge network while my boyfriend enjoys 3G on his iPhone 3GS.
He likes his phone and I don't mind mine (don't want to buy a new one....i want one, but don't want to pay for it.).
I have a BB curve.
A dumb smart phone as I have none of it's "smarts" hooked up. Just unlimited texting and I was stunned to learn a month ago that AT&T gives picture messaging with unlimited texting.
As I've said, my smart phone isn't smart, I'm still sporting Edge network while my boyfriend enjoys 3G on his iPhone 3GS.
He likes his phone and I don't mind mine (don't want to buy a new one....i want one, but don't want to pay for it.).

That is the network you are on and what they have contracted with RIM(makers of Blackberry) to allow your type of phone to do. I have had two different model Curves on the Sprint Network and it is on 3G. Sprint doesnt offer EDGE I dont think.

Another example of the service with the phone. The same phone on different services have texting differences. Sprint BBs allow 160 characters in an SMS text. Unlimited in MMS messages. Now I think on Verizon or some other one the same model phone will have a smaller or larger limit or a multi-page SMS text to be sent. This is all based on you Cell Phone provider and not the phone itsself. is a Canada based business/site and they unbiasly do reviews on all types of smart phones and it has links to other forums of other smartphones. The phone may see super cool right now.. But I would go and check out the user reviews before making a purchase.

ETA: If you do go with a BB you may want to purchase it through this site. I got my free Blackberry with a new contract through them.
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