Smarter then he looks...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
The other day I was extremely tired and went to bed early, I asked my dad if he would feed Sonic. Around midnight I wake up to a horrid banging noise from Sonic's cage. He had his food bowl in his wheel! I turned on the light and gave him more food, figuring he had spilled it everywhere. The next morning I talked to my dad to ask him if he had fed Sonic, he hadn't, figures :neener:. He's smarter than he looks! He was hungry and wanted food, so he was going to make me get it for him :) I was amazed at his antics!
Ha. Smart hedgie. My chin used to do that when I had a clip on coop cup- when it was empty, he would pull it off and bang it around the tile.