Smart Chins???

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Anyone have a "smart" chins. You know, ones that do something that none of your others chins do??

I have one, that I think is either really smart or just trained well.
Zucca, a standard boy, who I rescued from being let go on the mean streets of Jersey.
He has always been just the most gracious chin. its like he thanks me every day for saving him! in return i let him out pretty much every night. sometimes just for 5 minutes. but every time its time to go back in his cage, all i have to do is tap, tap, tap on the top of his dust house & he jumps right in and stays there while i carry him back to his cage. so cute!

What does your chin do????
I have the videos of mine coming when called clear across the room and Rocco running down the hall and opening the door to his room and going back to his cage.
Shelly will follow me back to her cage and jump in when I ask her to.
Well, Trixie is my only chin, so she has no competition as to smartness. Here is one smart thing. As I have mentioned, I use her carrier to bring her to play, and call her back to her carrier where I will hand carry her back to her cage home. Now..a set up..I have a wooden hidey house in her playroom. I usually say "Trixie, time to come home" to round her up. One night, she ran to the hidey house in her playroom rather than her carrier. I said "No Trixie, not that home, cage home". She immediately ran to her carrier. She has done that more than once.
I have only 1 run set up at my house the rest are colonies...but I have Mac (the male) so he will come to his name and get out of the Jump hole. Otherwise I have a few escapees. they get out of any cage..even when their cagemates don't get out of the cage. Patel gets out and sometimes takes a girl or two with him while the rest will hang out in the cage..not always sure how they got out though because other colonies never get out of those cages I had to move them to a cage that is like fort knox....