slow eater. sign of tooth problem?

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love my chins!
Dec 12, 2012
My Tseng eats super slow. I've only had him and Elena for maybe four months so i don't know if this is normal for him? He eats noticeably slower than she does and he takes small bites when he eats a piece of hay. I can't seem to ever catch him eating though to observe him closer, in fact it seems like he's always sleeping when I see him. But his hammock has plenty of poops in it so I've been assuming he's been eating when I'm not looking. But it's also possible it's Elena's poop. How do you tell who's doing what when you have two? Anyway I wanted to ask if this might be a sign of tooth problems and if I should get him x-rayed . Thanks,
I think the only way you can be certain would be to put Tseng in his own cage for a day or two. As far as the eating slow, I don't really know. Hopefully someone else will have some good suggestions.
Every chin is different. Some will chow down while others will take their time. Some I will see eat-others I may not. As long as he is not drooling, has wet eyes, pawing at the mouth, not losing weight, I wouldn't worry about it.
Some of mine head right for the food dish when I fill it up and others must eat mostly at night. As long as there is food gone, poops and drinking and acting normal I wouldn't worry.
If you wonder if he is eating, you need to weigh him daily for a couple of weeks, if the weight is steady he is eating. Slow methodical chewing can be a symptom of teeth issues, but its usually in conjuction with other symptoms. Its not a stand alone symptom.