Slip and slide chinchilla~~

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Thought id share this.

I was walking by my two male chins cage last night and noticed that one of them took a pee on the shelf on their hay. (they pull hay out of fedder.) Which unfortionitly is starting to become common.

I opened the door to clean it up and put the trash can right up against the edge of the cage. The can comes up about an inch or so past the bottem tray of their FN cage.

Well my young boy Houdini was standing at the edge of the shelf (foot or so higher then the bottem tray) and he started to walk, but he lost his footing. And he slid right out of the cage and down into the trash can!

Since it was a fairly new bag, their wasnt much in it, so nothing to let him get a solid footing. He just looked up at me in complete amazment. Like he wasnt sure if he should laugh (if he could) or be scared. Was one of the rare times he didn't freak out about being picked up either. He just had that look like 'get me outa here!' :hmm:
Cute story. Maybe he should be renamed Oscar!
Once I was playing with Banilly in the bathroom and forgot to pick up the trash can. She went to hop on top of it (thought it has a solid top) and just plopped straight down to the bottom. Luckily I had just taken out the trash so there was nothing in it but the bag, but it was so funny to see her look up at me like "what? what is wrong with this chinchilla landing?"
Wish you had a video of that "moment" :laughitup:
Tinker jumped on top of a box thinking it's stable and fell right through. She quickly climbed out and look around. It was one of those "I hope no one saw that" lool :laughitup: Thankfully the bottom of the box had stuff animals in it so she had a soft landing.