If he hasn't had any food or water in two days he's probably pretty ill. You should be looking at syringe feeding him some food and water. You can find an oral syringe in most any pet supply store. Though the fact that he has tipped over the bowl makes me think that maybe he has had a little of his food. And that is a good thing. Please count the number of cat kibbles you put in his cage and then how many are left in order to make sure how many he is (or is not) eating.
Is he pooping and peeing?
I am glad you have a lamp, black ceramic heat emitter, and thermostat for him. That will help make sure he is at a constant temperature. 77F is probably good. Mine tend to like it around 76F. I believe there was a survey done on another hedgehog board and results showed the hedgies, on average, did best at 75F.
Yes, it makes sense that he hisses and shakes if you make a sudden move. Hedgehogs are prey animals. To them, most other animals are predators... Even you who just wants to give him love! It may take him weeks or months to understand that you are not scary. Sometimes it happens sooner... sometimes longer.
The best thing you can do is move slowly and carefully around him. At first, his instincts will usually kick in to protect him when he senses something moving in his environment. Or if he hears a noise. And the only way he can protect himself is to curl up into a ball, stick out his quills, and make a noise that sounds as if he is a scary monster "hiss, hiss, hiss!" Of course, that defense isn't very effective because you can still pick him up... quills and all.
Over time, if you are calm and gentle, he will learn that it is safe to come out of that hissy shaking ball. To me, it is one of the most wonderful things when you see a very scared hedgie finally stop being scared and peek out from inside their hedgieball and look around at you... even if it only lasts a second or two the first time!