Sleep talking?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
Does anyone else's chin make soft squeaking noises as they sleep? I've noticed that right when mine goes to sleep she will squeak in a pattern almost as if she's snoring. I looked up the sound on that website that is posted on here and couldn't find one that sounded like it. It's very soft and high pitched and if I go over to her when she makes it she just gives me that evil eye like "you woke me up, I know where you sleep" lol
Trixie will talk to herself in sleep as well as when awake. She will more often bark in her sleep, or kack.
two out of my four do this, and when they first started I thought that they were hurt or scared because it got really loud one night. SO I ran over to the cage to save them from what ever evil was hurting them and ended up getting the stink eye for waking them up instead...

Hedgies do that too... not so much the barking... but squeaks, fuffs, and little snores ;)

...sometimes sounds like they're in distress, so you rush in trying to "help" and end up with a critter who's a bit confused and annoyed that you dared to interrupt sleepy-time.
Sesame tends to bark in her sleep. Usually starts off as a weak, huffy bark to a full-on bark when it happens. Every time it happens, it startles both me and her, but I end up getting the stink-eye from her.
One of mine does a really loud warning call. The first few times it scared the crap out of me. I was standing right next to him one time and could see he was fast asleep while doing it, so I stopped jumping up and running to the cage after that. I often wonder what he is dreaming about. :wacko:
:laughitup: She did the barking the first few nights I had her but this I just recently noticed, it's kinda funny to listen to
My guys will do the barking thing in the middle of the night. Wakes up the dogs, who start barking as well.