I'm glad I was able to encourage you! Having a sick chinnie is stressful! Its so hard to know what to do sometimes, and all we want is the best for them of course!
I would say go ahead and give her some fresh hay, perhaps that will renew some interest! Hay is their fiber source so its good she is at least nibbling at it a bit. Its definitely better than her not eating anything at all on her own. When my chin was sick, my vet told me to always keep hay/pellets in the cage to encourage eating. As far as fluids go, I ended up having to take my girl at three different times for fluids. Of course there is some fluids in the CC you mix up, but if you are concerned, ask your vet if you can bring her in for more sub-q fluids. Have you been monitoring her weight during her sickness? Or do you at least have an idea of what her normal weight is? I've heard it is helpful to weigh them often to track fluid loss. Also, there is the skin test. If you gently pinch her skin does it snap back into place immediately? If so, then she is likely NOT dehydrated. If the skin does not snap back and kind of "hangs" there, then she should probably have some sub-q because its a sign of dehydration. Keep an eye on her water bottle too. Keep it marked so you can see if there is any change in the water level. In addition, try to notice if she is passing urine and how much approx. Since you have a mat down, is the pee spots big or small, etc?
I would encourage you to go ahead and call your vet again tomorrow to update them. Maybe they would like to re-examine her? Since you have had a difficult time in getting her to eat the CC like she should, I'm kinda leaning toward you might wanna go ahead and let them give more sub-q since its been a few days since her last sub-q injection and I'm assuming she probably isnt drinking on her own. I would discuss it with your vet and let them make the final call of course.
I understand about your apprehension of her having energy. When my chin was sick, she had stasis, but also had some other very serious issues (hemorrhaging). It was so hard because it came out of nowhere. During her sickness, her energy levels were very low overall. In her last days, she looked so pitiful and I knew it wasn't looking good. I had time to prepare for the worst.
To me having energy, it just seems like a better sign. To know that your chin is ill, but having the energy to try and hide it at least. Things would seem worse if she was really lethargic and giving up, but it sounds like your chin is still fighting which is good. Just my opinion on that, I think you know what I mean? Maybe I just have an odd way of trying to see the positive side lol.