Skunk pics!!

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I tried to post this already but I dont see where it went.
these are pics some people have seen but for those wanting to see my Skunk, this is Thumper he is my 3 year old chocolate frost skunk.




He's gorgeous! I love the tail, but those nails look painful haha. I thought Flower was the skunk, though ;) :p
thank you. Those nails grow fast and you are always cutting them and where the quick is leaves the nail very long. When Skunks want to play or are trying to intimidate you the jump and thunp their front feet on the ground real hard so he is thumper because he is always thumping at me lol.
Lol, we had a pet skunk when I was very little, and all I remember is him stomping when he was mad! So funny. He is really pretty, I love the chocolate color in skunks. If I ever convince my hubby to get one, that is what I want!
awww he is so cute! I think it'd be awesome to have a skunk, they look so cute. They're legal in WI but not in MN I think, so I'd have to convince my boyfriend to move over here..
He is adorable - and such a unique color!

Can I haz him??? :)
I have always wanted a Skunk, But Waaaaaaaa :cry4:they are illegal here in NY so unless I get my wish and move(not going to happen anytime soon) I will just have to come back to this post and drool. He is BEautiful by the way.
Once I had a baby skunk on my back porch and he/she(didnt get to close)was soooooo cute and it did the stomp and was not too happy when I just went awwww isnt it cute. Back porch stunk for a few days but it was worth it.LOL
He is so cute! I love his name! Does he play any games?

oh yeah, they remind me of ferrets. they do alot of silly things, steal things and love toys. thumpers thing is to grab your feet from under the bed as you walk by. He also likes to climb in bed and sleep across my face I have to wake up and move him because im breathing in all his hair lol.
Aww, I really do want a skunk! What is his personality like, what does he do?

they are alot like ferrets but not as hyper. he is silly and bull headed, if he wants something he will not give up until he gets it and he will figure out a way to get it. They are beggers and will eat you out of house or home. He gets a bit grumpy during the day but at night he will lay in bed with me for hours and nestle his head in my neck and lay there and occasionally will lick my neck lol. You defently have to skunk proof your home if there is anything in a skunks reach they will get into it or steal it. one of his favorite games is to chase my 5 year old son thru the house and to grab your feet as you walk by the bed. Skunks are not for everyone as they are very stubborn but when one lets you into his/her life you have a friend forever.