Skin's problem

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Yes, I talk about a skin's problem, but...not hedgehog's skin!!!
A friend touched my hedgehog, during a visit at my home.
Some days after this day, she discovered many "blister" on her hands.
Is this appened because of my hedgehog?
The quills can provoke this effect or a similar one?
Some people are more allergic to hedgehogs than others. Some are allergic to the saliva from anointing that gets on quills. Often this will cause small red bumps on the palms. I'm not sure about these "blisters" showing up days later, though... Is she talking about peeling skin instead of blisters? I've had a few times where I get small circular places where the skin peels off my hand a few days after getting poked, but it's not a blister it's just where my skin dried out in the area.
But yes, quills can cause bumps on the hands. It's a slight allergic reaction. You should always wash your hands after handling your hedgie, and give your hedgie a bath every month or two to keep the severity down if it happens a lot.
The reaction usually happens while handling the hedgehog, not days later. Her blister is probably not related to the hedgehog.
I write "blisters" because I don't know how call them; they are little with a liquid inside them.
So your peeling skin is different.
Is an allergic form also this one?
when i got my first hedgehog i had a VERY BAD reaction to her quills. first i got little bumps all over my hands, and then my skin started peeling. it was quite scarry at first, i wasint sure what was happening and i was worried i would have to give up my baby. but after puting cream on my hands for a week or two it was better and it never happend again. i just always make sure i wash really good after holding a hedgie, i always start to feel itchy if i dont.
Yes, I've gotten these little blisters before, but only when I don't wash my hands after I handle them and their quills are dirtier than usual. They hurt a lot! They should go away in a couple days though.
I get little red bumps for a day or two on sensitive skin if Winston pokes me, like on the inside of my arm while he sleeps, or by the neck if he's crawling on me. I find a bit of lotion takes care of them that day

usually alergic reaction (like I have, whitish bumps where Litchi touches me) apears minutes after handling. If it's days after, it might be something else.
I got one for the first time last week. Just a tiny dot with liquid inside. It's almost gone now. It didn't hurt or anything, just felt weird when I ran my hands over it.

Hives(swelling.. not fluid filled) can be a normal allergy reaction(I get hives all the time depending on the need for baths with the gang) but blisters are not normal at all.

Hives should also not last more than a few hours to a day. Blisters lasting a week should definitely be checked out by a doctor.
I get little red bumps for a day or two on sensitive skin if Winston pokes me, like on the inside of my arm while he sleeps, or by the neck if he's crawling on me. I find a bit of lotion takes care of them that day


Happens to me, too.
I leave mine alone and they disappear within a day!
I wonder why?